Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Utah Flash!

Back in the fall we bought the Pass of all Passes! It includes Trafalga, Seven Peaks, Owlz Games (baseball), and The Utah Flash (D-League basketball) So far we have been to one Owlz game, mini golfing a couple of times, to Trafalga Liberty Land to play on all the rides a couple of times, and finally we were able to go the Utah Flash game! We have already gotten our money's worth, and it doesn't expire until the fall of this year!!
It was fun to be able to sit so close the court! (unlike when we go to Jazz games!) But the level of play was certaintly different. Hadley especially loved the game, but didn't want a picture...
We will definitely go to more Flash games before the seasons over. It was a lot of fun, and a great night out as a family.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

We got the same passes but haven't even used them yet!! I'm glad you're using yours and having so much fun!