Friday, December 31, 2010

Dad's Birthday and Temple Square!

While my brother and his family were down for the Christmas party, we decided to celebrate my Dad's birthday a little bit early!

We had a delicious dinner, and cake and ice cream of course!

Then we decided to all go to temple square. Her is Audriana and Hadley all ready to go!!

We decided to go on the busiest night of the year apparently, but it was still fun to go!

Boston sitting by my favorite luminaries!

Jeremy and Hadley enjoying the adventure!
I feel so lucky that we live so close to beautiful temple square. Whether it be Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, it is always a fun place to go.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Garner Michaelis Christmas Party

When we moved to Utah when I was 7 we started a tradition with my Aunt Joyce and her family of always going out to dinner on Christmas Eve and exchanging gifts. Now our family is way to big to meet at a restaurant, so this year we started a new tradition of meeting at Megan's clubhouse for a Christmas Party! We all brought our favorite appetizer and dessert. I don't think I have ever been to a party with so much food, and such yummy food! Everything was delicious!!
The kids all brought $1.00 candy to do a gift exchange game with, and the adults all brought $5.00 gift cards to exchange! Jeremy and I both got one to Kneaders!! Date night!!

Thanks everyone for the GREAT party!! I am so glad that my kids have so many fun cousins's to play with! Can't wait for next year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Family Christmas Sleepover

On December 10th we had our Family Christmas Sleepover!! We invited Jeremy's sister's to join us. (One lives with us, and one lives really close!) We began the night by eating pizza, and watching a short Christmas movie.
Then we played games of course! We had a blast, and laughed so hard!
We enjoyed some exercise playing Dance Dance Revolution!

The kids love their Aunt's!
Hadley mostly had a great time wandering around the house! (I had to include this picture so you can see the cute Jersey her Uncle Matt bought for her. Although I don't agree with the team choice, It looks adorable on her! )

We then called it a night and enjoyed sleeping in the living room!

Of course, the next morning included a fabulous pillow fight!! I love creating memories, and the family sleepover is one that always created lots of memories for me growing up. I am so glad to keep sharing this tradition with my kids!!

Christmas Play

I was lucky enough to be able to go with our Activity Day girls to see The Christmas Carol at the Hale Center Theatre! It was so fun to be with the adorable girls in my ward and to see such a fabulous play. I hope one day to have season tickets to Hale Center Theatre. I absolutely love going to plays there!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Santa Claus

We joined my Mom and Logan and Mason and went to see Santa at Colonial Square (or whatever they call the shopping area now!)
Boston had no fear of Santa, and was excited to tell him he wanted a play kitchen for Christmas!

Hadley on the other hand... LOVES Santa from a distance! She loves to say Santa, Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!

The Kids!

Enjoying one of the MANY free treats and snacks by the warm fire!

The Kids and I enjoying the Horse Carriage ride! This was by far Hadley's favorite part!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this tradition. It is so much fun to enjoy Santa, Free Pictures, Free Food, and Free Horse rides!! Love it!

Christmas Devotional

One of the highlights of the Christmas season is getting to attend, or watch the Christmas Devotional from the First Presidency. Lucky for me this year, I was able to get tickets to go! Jeremy and I took our best friends (a.k.a. my parents) along with us. We had a wonderful time together and enjoyed seeing the lights in the think fog after the devotional. In case you missed the devotional, you can view it here.
**Pictures taken with cell phone in the fog... not the best, but wanted the memory!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hot Chocolate Party!

We had our 2nd Annual Hot Chocolate Party, unfortunately a lot of people couldn't make it. = ( But those that came had a really great time!!

The first thing we did was have a snowflake making contest, it was so much fun!! We hung them on our back deck for decoration!

Then we enjoyed Scones and Hot Chocolate and getting to visit with each other!! It wasn't to cold of a night, so it was PERFECT for our back deck party!

Here is Hadley enjoying her HC with her Aunt Megan that lives with us.

Boston enjoyed hanging out with my friend Emily!!

Jeremy's friend Dustin and his wife Ashley!

We finished up the night with a great game of Christmas Pictonary and a hilarious White Elephant game! Can't wait for next year's Hot Chocolate Party!! I think everyone should have one!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Family Home Evening

At our home, Family Home Evening is a much anticipated event. For the past few weeks Boston has been giving his own lesson's out of the friend. I have been AMAZED at what great lessons he gives. He has taught us about keeping the commandments, about Jesus living again, and about Angels being here are earth. Tonight I finally decided to write down his lesson. He sits with his Friend magazine open to a specific page and then says;

"Elder Ballard told us to be nice, and to take turns making snow angels, and that Christmas is a special day, and we get to have Hot Cocoa. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."

Another highlight of family night tonight was when Jeremy asked Boston why we have Christmas and he replied "Because Jesus wants us to decorate the earth."

After explaining that it was to celebrate Christ's birth, Jeremy asked him what gift he would like to give Jesus. Boston said "A present. A special present. Like M&M's."

Oh I am so stinkin' lucky to be this kids Mom. He amazes me.

P.S. Guess what Kristen?? We got out my percussion bells tonight and played Christmas Carols!! Brought back memories.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Story Time With Mrs. Claus

On Tuesday night I took the kids down to our awesome library for story time with Mrs. Claus. Boston was so excited to meet Santa's wife, and see what she looked like.
She read us some beautiful Christmas books, and then the kids got a chance to sit on her lap! Boston thought it was so cool that she knew his name!!!
Hadley could have cared less about the stories, but she had fun bouncing on her chair, and was thrilled with the bag of treats she got from Mrs. Claus!!

Let the Season Begin!!

On Monday night our city kicked off the holiday's with a tree lighting ceremony, and Santa arriving into town via a firetruck! The line was crazy long to see Santa, but before Santa took his place, we ran into him in the parking lot. Boston told him he wanted a play kitchen for Christmas. Santa then asked him if he would make some play cookies for him. Boston said "Ya!" Then Santa said "Merry Christmas!" Boston replied "Merry Christmas to you too!" Although no pictures, it was actually really fun to just run into Santa. It was a magical night for both kiddos! Hadley just kept saying "Santa, Ho Ho Ho!" Let the Christmas Season Begin!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

First Sledding Adventure of The Season

Today is one of those days that I LOVE being a stay-at-home Mom! Me and the kids went sledding!!
We started out in the front yard and the kids were having a blast. I was looking for more of a thrill, so...
I decided to hop in the sled with the kids and ride down the sidewalk. Holy cow, we had SO MUCH FUN!! The kids were both squealing with delight!! Finally on our last run, I took a video to prove just how far we went! 6 house's! Can't wait to do it again!!

A special thanks for all the neighbors for not shoveling and making this video possible!

Hadley's First Day of Nursery!

Yesterday was Hadley's first day of Nursery. She should have gone two weeks ago, but because of sickness her grand entrance was delayed. I was EXTREMELY worried about her going into Nursery. She is such a Mommy's girl, I thought she would scream the whole time. Jeremy took her in, and she was clinging to him so tight, but then they pulled out the snacks... and she was totally fine the whole time!!! YAHOO!!! We will see how next week goes...

Boston has been coming into Primary for "singing time" to practice being a sunbeam!! He is absolutly loving it!!

Oh man, I just love my kids.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Finally, We Have SNOW!!!

I was SO EXCITED to hear the snow plows at 6:30 this morning!! Finally Boston and I couldn't take it any longer and at 7:30 we got on our gear, and went to shovel the snow!!! Later in the morning we had to go shovel again!! This time Hadley joined us!
I couldn't be happier!! I LOVE SNOW!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Goodbye Thanksgiving, Hello Christmas!!

On Thanksgiving night, we said goodbye to Thanksgiving, and said Hello to Christmas with new P.J.'s! This kids LOVE them!
Jeremy and I had a BLAST on Black Friday, beginning our day at 3:30am!! I just love Black Friday. I love the deals, I love how friendly and nice everyone is, I love thinking about what gifts I want to get for people that will make them happy, I just love love love it.
After Black Friday, we set up all of our Christmas decor!! Boston had a blast pretending the Christmas tree box was a rocket ship!! He flew to the moon several times. Now all I need is some snow.... please!?!?!

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Rogers side of the family decided not to have a Thanksgiving dinner this year, so we were able to go the Garner Family Thanksgiving Feast!

The Garner Gang

My amazing parents hosted the party, and did a WONDERFUL job!

While the chef's are cookin, the rest of us work up an appetite!

Basketball is always a part of a Garner Thanksgiving!

The food was DELICIOUS! It was so fun to see a lot of the family!!

We are so richly blessed. I am so grateful for the Thanksgiving to encourage us to remember all the many things we are thankful for. My goal is to do what President Monson has asked us to do and that is to;

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Carl Bloch Exhibit

For Family Home Evening one night, we went to the Carl Bloch exhibit down at BYU. It was a smaller exhibit then I thought, but the power I felt looking at the paintings was unbelievable. The kids enjoyed it too! I highly recommend you go if you have a chance!! For tickets or more information click here!

Must Be In The Name

Boston Rickey, and Rickey Noel
It must be in the name to look good in a derby hat!!

Tourist In Town

I forget all of the awesome stuff we have so close to us!! Sometimes I like to be a tourist in my own town!
First we went to the visitor's center to see the new model Salt Lake temple they have on display. It is SO COOL! The details are amazing!
After that we went over to Deseret book to see Elder Richard G. Scott's paintings that were on display there. Wow, what talent. Each painting was so well done, and had so much meaning and depth to it. Very impressive. (click here for more info)

Then we went over to the church history museum. There we found this ship, which is a model of the Enoch Train. My mom just recently found out that one of our ancestor's came across on the Enoch Train to America! The display took on a whole new meaning as I realized that my relative had sacrificed so much to come across on the ship to be with the saints. How neat.

Boston and Hadley by the model Angel Moroni
Boston and Hadley giving talks in the "tabernacle."
If you haven't been in awhile, go visit Temple Square! Lots to see, and teach to your kids. Be a tourist in your own town!