Monday, June 28, 2010

Picture Overload

My good friend Amy is a Young Women leader in her ward. (I'm sure the best YW leader ever!) She and her young women are doing a project where they learn about something they have always wanted to learn about, and then create a project around it. Amy chose to do Photography!! We were lucky enough to be part of her project! We had tons of fun taking pictures, and I think she did an AMAZING job! Especially for it being one of her first photo shoots ever!! The problem is I couldn't even chose a favorite... so hence you get picture overload! Enjoy!
Family Favorites

Favorites of Jeremy with Kiddo's

Favorites of Me with the kiddo's

Favorite one of Jeremy and I
Favorites of the little man

Favorties of the Little Lady

Favorites of the Brother and Sister

Thanks again Amy!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Block Party

We all had a blast at our neighborhood block party!! We ate good food, we had good visits, won candy and we danced until we couldn't dance anymore!! Hadley and Boston LOVED the loud crazy music!

It was a super fun night as a family!

Messy Messy Messy

Hadley is in that fun stage of everything goes on my head... especially food.

Church Callings

Our church callings keep us rather busy round here. Here are a couple of things that happened this past week.

First, I thought I was going to have a nice quiet weekend with just me and the kids while Jeremy went on a camp out. Well, because of severe thunderstorm warnings they decided to camp on our back deck.... there went the quiet weekend.

Who knew tents could fit on our deck and still leave plenty of room for cooking and eating, and even...

Miniature Golf!
They are fun boys, but I was glad when "camp" was over. It was hard to keep Boston from going outside!!
As for me, I went on Hike with the Activity Day girls!
We went up to Bridal Veil Falls.

The girls are so fun!! I would love to have the Activity Days calling some day!

Every year our city has Strawberry Days. Part of that includes a children's parade where every child in the city is invited to join in riding, scooting, walking around the block. I found out a couple days before that our ward needed a flag. So I spent the afternoon before the parade throwing together a flag. When I went to take the flag in the car the paint was still wet, so I threw some paper towels on it and off we went. When I got there I started taking the paper towels off and the wind threw the flag into my face. I had white paint all over my face and hair!! I wanted to leave right then. Oh well, we survived the micro burst winds and made it through the parade with a somewhat legible sign!
Here are all the brave souls who attended from my ward

Boston is deathly afraid of wind... but put a smile on his face as soon as he got a Popsicle.
We love our callings. It is so fun to work with the kids in the ward.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Miss Hadley Boo

We have had a lot of fun spending some weekends helping my parents with their remodel! Jeremy helped with their molding and their backsplash, and I helped by cleaning up his messes!
When they got their entertainment center put in, I thought Hadley made a nice decoration on the top shelf!!
Here is Hadley crawling around on their new floors!! I show you these pictures so you can see that I seriously have the most flexible baby ever! She is CONSTANTLY doing the splits.

For awhile we just thought it was super cute!!

Now we have learned that it is a problem, because she is compensating for not being able to crawl on her knee's. Hadley Boo is extremely behind with her Motor Skills. She is doing AWESOME is all other areas of development though! So we are now working with the Kids on the Move program to get her up to speed... meaning crawling on her knees, pulling herself to standing, and walking. We will have a physical therapist come each month to train me what to do for her.
As a Mother it was really hard for me to hear that my child is so far behind. I just wondered what I did wrong, what I should have done to prevent this. I do feel very blessed that it is something we can fix.
I know Hadley will catch up soon and all will be well. Until then, I have the worlds most flexible baby, who loves to army crawl through the kitchen chairs as seen in the video below.

Wheeler Farm Again!

Boston and I were lucky enough to go to Wheeler Farm again!! But this time with the Rogers Family!! It was so fun to be able to spend time with the women in the family!!
Hadley and Abby enjoyin' the ride!

Tristan and Boston enjoyin' a different kind of ride!

Checkin' out the water from the bridge with Aunt Cat

Boston on the wagon ride with Lily and Tristan

We will have to have another ladies day again soon!! (and hopefully next time no one gets sick!)

Boston's 3rd Birthday

On Boston's actual birthday we celebrated with the traditional birthday pancakes!

Then my Mom and nephews Logan and Mason were kind enough to come down and spend the day with us! We went to this new park I found that has the worlds biggest swings. I didn't get a very good picture, but just trust me. They seriously are the biggest, funnest swings EVER!! You seriously FLY on these things!

Apparently swinging on the big swings wasn't enough, so we went on the littler swings too!

Then this park has a great duck/fish pond that the kids loved, then we let them play in the fountains!! They had a blast! At one point I turn around and Boston is totally naked. He decided it was much funner with nothing on! Oh dear!! We hurried and fixed that one!

We ended the day with opening presents, eating cupcakes, and going to a stake service night.

I think it is safe to say Boston had a FABULOUS 3rd birthday!