Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend at Mom and Dad's!

Jeremy was off to Wood Badge Thursday-Satuday, so me and the kiddos went ot spend a few days with my parents!
Things we did
--My mom got out all my Barbie and Mapletown for my kids to play with.  I haven't seen that stuff in YEARS!  It was so fun to reminesse!
--My mom and I scrapebooked my whole Sophmore and 1/2 of my Junior year!  So many fun memories!

--I was able to attend a Stake Women's Conference where my parents taught a class.  They did such an amazing job and I was so glad I was able to be there!  (a huge THANK YOU to Jenn for watching my kiddos!)

--We ate amazingly yummy food!

--The last thing we did, we headed to Temple Square to see the tulips!  They were SO beautiful.  I just love that place.   

This fountain is a rarity to see going... why don't the kids understand how important it is to smile!!?? 

Thanks Mom and Dad for a great vacation! 
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My Favorite Tree

This is my favorite tree in my yard, because in the spring it is just soooooo beautiful!  I just love all the blossoms! 
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Monday, April 23, 2012

What a FABULOUS Day!

Me and the kids started out the day at Liberty Park with 3 of my really good friends that I've know since I was 8!

We ate a picnic lunch 

Played with the kiddos! 

And just enjoyed being together!!  

Oh the many faces of my Hadley... 

and my Boston... 

We took a walk over to the park!  There were some baby ducks that were just to cute! 

It was so peaceful. 

This is my favorite spot at Liberty Park... I have a love for Gazebo's!   

We even got to enjoy some wildlife.  That wasn't the only fun we had that day...

We took Jeremy's sister Megan out to Dinner at the Brick Oven to celebrate her graduation from BYU and her 23rd Birthday!!
Right across from the Brick Oven is this beautiful Nature walk thing.  So we went and enjoyed that!

Sometime during all that excitement Jeremy's brother had a new baby boy!  We have a new nephew!!  That makes 24 nieces and nephews for us!  Holy Smokes!  He was 6 pounds and 11 ounces!  They are thinking of naming him Rykan Bentley Rogers!!  Congratulations Mike and Lindsey!!

What a fabulous day!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday Nap

This is what a Sunday Nap looks like at my house...
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Spring Break!

Last week was Boston's "Spring Break" from preschool.  He knew his cousins had stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's while they were on spring break... so he assumed that is just what you did!  So luckily I have amazing parents who made his wishes come true.  Oh my did him and Hadley have fun!  They are some seriously spoiled kids!

What did I do with my 2 days of free time... clean out my many many cupboards and re-organized the kitchen!  It felt so good to accomplish something!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Little Lucy

My friends experienced every parent’s worse nightmare when their adorable three year old Lucy drowned on Friday. She passed away late last night. There sweet family is all I have been able to think about the past few days. My heart just breaks for them. It is so hard to lose someone you love so deeply, so tragically.

Although it is totally different, it brought back a lot of the same emotions and feelings I had when Natalia passed away. It is so hard when everyone around you seems to get a miracle… but you don’t. It’s hard to understand Heavenly Father’s plan, and to have faith in HIS will.

When tragedies like this happens, it seems to awaken a new sense of perspective in life. What is truly important? What truly matters? It makes me want to be a better person.

I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that this isn’t the end for Lucy. I know she is serving valiantly in the spirit world, and will one day be reunited with her family once more… never to be separated again. I am so grateful for eternal families.

"Each of us will have our own Fridays—those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays. But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death—Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come. No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come.” ― Joseph B. Wirthlin ♥

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Who Did I Marry?

Some days I wonder who I married? One day Jeremy is the Easter Bunny at work, the next day he is hosting a political debate, and the next day he is wearing cowboy boots.

What's next?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday.  We started out the day by making Resurrection Rolls for breakfast!  I loved doing this.  It was a great hands on learning activity for the kiddos.   

Then we headed out to church dressed in our very best! 

Hadley had an adorable Hat and white gloves... somehow I forgot to put them on for the pictures.  :( 

I can't believe she is almost 3! 

My handsome little man!
We had a wonderful day at church and then spent the rest of the evening at home, just enjoying being home with no meeings!!!  :) 
We had a yummy dinner of ham and potatoes, rolls, grilled corn on the cob, and divine Chocolate Cake !
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Easter Saturday

We spent the night at my parents house so we were able to attend the WX Youth City Council Easter Egg Hunt! It brought back lots of memories of when I was in charge of it...

The kids were so anxious for the whistle...

and off they went!

Then we headed inside for some fun games. The cake walk...

Pin the bow on the bunny and a few more!

Of course pictures with the Easter Bunny too!

Then the real fun party began! My parents hosted their annual Easter Party! Once again we were really sad my Brother and his family couldn't make it. We ate AMAZING Cafe Rio salads and adorable and delicious sugar cookies and bird nests! Then the kiddos played some games! Above was pass the egg with your feet! So funny!

Then one of my favorites "Don't Eat Peter Rabbit!"

"Feed the Rabbit"

We even had carrot bean bags!

Then it was time for the egg hunt. I love how my parents do it. Each grandchild has a color, and they have to find all the eggs that color!

Notice the snow still lingering... they had 5 inches on Friday...

Spencer, Lissy, Michaela, Hadley, Mason, Boston, and Logan! What a fun group of kiddos!

The kids had to go inside and open their eggs to find clues hidden amongst their candy to find their special Easter Bunny Bag.

Inside were new jackets!!!

So stinkin' adorable! Thanks Mom and Dad for another amazing party!!

We headed home and let the kids take a much needed nap. After dinner they opened their Easter Baskets!!

We went outside and played some T-ball!

Hadley was so stinkin cute with her pink mitt! Although I think she had more fun organizing the balls then actually playing...

What a FUN FUN FUN Easter!