Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Luck Jazz!

This is for the Utah Jazz. I've sidewalked chalked their logo onto my cement wall for good luck! I hope it works!

The Great Outdoors

I love spring when you can pull out your bikes again, dust them off, pump up the tires, and go for a ride. Boston is so content on bike rides, no matter how long the ride ends up being!
Yes I found yet another "road sign!" I think I like this one better then "Kill Your T.V."
I know. I take way to many pictures.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Easter! Again?

That's right! This past Saturday we celebrated Easter yet again. The Roger's Family decided to wait for a warmer day to have their festivities. Jeremy and I were in charge of the games. Jeremy drew this awesome bunny, for the Pin The Tail On The Bunny game!
Boston enjoyed playing with his counsin's.
Of course there was also an egg hunt!
Boston loved seeing his grandma again, and all the family we haven't seen since Christmas! It was another great Rogers family party. Who knows? Maybe we will celebrate the 4th of July in September when it gets a little cooler?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Best Mutual Ever!

Last night for Young Women's we went door bell ditching... only we didn't run away until they answered the door!

You see one person would put the big box wrapped like a present over their head and crouch down over a plate of cookies on someones porch. That person would then answer the door, approach the giant "present"and -SURPRISE- the box would start running away leaving a plate of goodies behind. It was so hilarious to watch peoples reactions. Grown men would jump back, women would scream, kids would chase the box, and lots of looks of confusion and disbelief.

Of course when it was my turn to be the box, the man that answered the door chased me down, and ripped the box off of me! I was laughing to hard to do anything about it.

Now you have something new to try when you get board on a Friday night.

Me inside the present

My cute Young Women I get the
privledge to work with at church.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

HaPpY eArTh DaY!

Since today is Earth Day, we thought we would encourage you all to;Play in the Dirt

Eat Dandelions

and be a Tree Hugger!
Happy Earth Day! Go Green!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Softball, a Haircut, and a Really Long Bike Ride!

What a fun weekend!
On Friday my dreams came true! Jeremy and I were able to play in our first co-ed softball game. Our friends were kind enough to let us be on their team. Although I have lost a lot of "skill" in my 5 year absence from the sport, we still had a great time!
On Saturday morning it was time for Boston to get his 9th... no 10th... maybe 11th haircut? I've lost track!
Also on Saturday we were able to get our Bike's ready to roll! We all went for a REALLY LONG bike ride! (my bum still hurts!) Boston LOVED it!
This picture is just to share another habit of Boston's. When he isn't using his pointer finger to point things out to us, he is chowin' down on it. What a silly guy.

Swinging into Spring!

Boston has found his new love. Swinging.

A Pretty "Sweet" Picture

There are a couple of reasons why I think this is a pretty sweet picture!

1st- It is a picture of my son eating his first ice cream cone (which he finished completely!)

2nd- Because my Mom took this picture on her cell phone, and then sent it as a picture message to my cell phone! What a surprise it was for Jeremy and I to recieve this picture at the Jazz Game! Wow, my parents are so cool!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Sometimes I post things that only a grandmother would care about. This is probably one of those!

Boston and Jeremy love to play "The Nose Game." Boston grabs Jeremy's nose and he jerks away saying "ow!" or pretend sneezing. Boston things it is so funny. We just always have to make sure his figure nails are cut short.

Boston is now 10 months old and is getting funnier and funnier. He is really into pointing at EVERYTHING! He also really loves to play ball and is actually getting really good at throwing it.

The most exciting news is that Boston has slept through the night for 2 nights in a row! It sure make this mama a whole lot happier!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Conference Weekend!

I am so excited for General Conference this weekend! It will be so neat to participate in a solemn assembly as we sustain a new prophet; President Thomas S. Monson. We are so lucky to have a prophet on the earth today, to lead and guide us through these trying times.

Whether you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or not, I hope you will watch KSL Channel 5 at 10:00am on Saturday, to witness history in the making. A new prophet of God being sustained; a man who will be God's mouthpiece for our times.

"Thou shalt give heed unto all his [the prophet's] words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me; For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith." Doctrine and Covenants 21:4-5

The Art of Saying Thank You

This post is just a random thought I have had on my mind since yesterday.

You see, last time I went and got my oil change it was not a very good experience. The people made promises they didn't keep, and just weren't very nice. I have been dreading taking the car in for an oil change, but yesterday I finally did it. They were super friendly, fast, and even accepted a coupon that was meant for there other shop.

As I was telling Jeremy about my experience, he said "Why don't you write them a letter, and tell them thanks. People only want to go above and beyond if they know it is making a difference. " So that is exactly what I am going to do.

I think as a society we have lost the art of saying thanks, and giving praise for a job well done. Of course we are quick to write a letter, or give a complaint if something goes wrong... but what about when someone does something that make your day a little better. So this is a shout out to all those who read this blog, lets say more thank you's, and really try to give credit where credit is deserved. Whether that be to the company that changes your oil, or to the family member who did the dishes.

Thank you for enduring through my long and random thought, and a BIG THANKS to my husband who taught me an important lesson.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ready For Church

I just had to post this picture that Jeremy took on Sunday! The scriptures are almost bigger then him!

I think people at church think we can't afford to buy Boston toys since we bring things like a baby hanger, and the remote control to try to keep him entertained! I say if it entertains, bring it!

Lots of Boston's

I'm a dork. I was having fun figuring out all the different types of things that have Boston in the name. Here is what I came up with.

One Packet of Hot Chocolate Mix

Now that the weather is (hopefully) getting warmer, you may be wondering what to do with that last packet of Hot Chocolate Mix! I received this fun recipe from my friend Margaret Wahlstrom that I thought I would share it. It would be really fun to make with kids because it is SUPER easy, and doesn't take a lot of time.

Heat over to 375F.
3/4c. butter or margarine, softened
1/2c. sugar
1 egg yolk
Blend until creamy, then slowly add last two ingredients
1 1/2c. flour
1 packet (around 1 1/4 oz. hot cocoa mix.

Shape into 1 inch balls and flatten to 1/4 inch.
Bake for 7-9 minutes until set.

Optional Drizzle:
1c. chocolate chips
1/2 tsp. shortening

Melt chocolate and shortening in microwave for 1 minutes, and stir until smooth. Place in a resealable baggie and snip a tiny corner of the bag. Drizzle chocolate over cookies.