Thursday, March 31, 2011

General Conference Ideas

I was hoping to share these sooner, but better late then never. I love when other people share their ideas, so I thought I would share a few of mine. -

I printed off some great activity/coloring pages for my two kiddo's. I printed a few pages from several differen't packets. Here are the links; Deseret Book The Friend SugarDoodleI made Hadley an Apostle Matching Folder Game We challanged all the kids in our primary to learn the face/names of The First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. If they do it, they get a GIANT candy bar! It has been so awesome to watch the kids studying their apostles in sacrament, helping little siblings to learn them, and seeing how proud they are when they pass them off. So anyways, we made them these little rings with the apostles pictures on the front, and their name on the back. I really feel like when the kids know the faces and names of these wonderful men, they are more excited to see them during General Conference and even want to listen to what they have to say. I know that has been true with Boston. He get's so excited to tell us who's speaking.
I did these a long time ago, but Hadley loves them. She loves caring them around the house, and she especially loves saying President Uchtdorf's name.
Another thing we did for our primary was print off a Conference Bingo for each of them to take home. We attatched smarties to the back. Bingo is a classic, and so much fun!

I know I can't expect my 1 and 3 year olds to sit and listen for 8 hours. But I can teach them that General Conference is a big deal. I can teach them that General Conference is important to me, and hopefully it will be to them too! I want to teach them how special it is to get to hear from a living prophet. My parents always made conference so much fun. We always had special food, special treats, we did lots of puzzles, and legos! I know how special conference is to my parents because of the way they treated the weekend. I want to make is special for my children. I want to have as many activities as I can that will help them listen and learn as much as they can. - I understand though, that 8 hours is a long time, so I also created activities that will help keep them quiet while still listeing to Conference. I put a variety of activities in little bags. Activities that involved cutting, glueing, stringing fruit loops, stickers, painting with water, and even play doe. I have everything we will need for the activity ready to go in these bags. That way I don't have to get up to get anything! I am thinking of adding some bag's with special treats in. I am going to let them open a bag every 2 speakers or something... - I also have a pile of all of our quiet toys ready to go. Blocks, lego's, puzzles.... - I am hoping that with enough preperation we can make this a very special weekend for all of us. - More Idea Websites; SugarDoddle Conference Page The Idea Door


We went to our last Jazz game of the season on Monday night. I love being a part of having season tickets and enjoying a few Jazz games each year. The season was a little rough this year. We started with Williams and Sloan, and now we are ending with ??? Who knows. I don't even know there names. It was a fun games dispite the lose in O.T. I sure hope we can pick up a miracle worker in the draft... cause that's what we need!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Calling

Last Sunday Jeremy received a new calling to serve as the Young Men's 1st Counselor. As a Primary President, I was Furious. I really didn't want to lose one of my best Scout Leaders. As a Wife, I am so excited for him to have a new opportunity. I know he is going to love working with the young men. He has 10 boys in his teacher's quorum. So here we go. Another calling, another adventure.

Such a Mess!

I never understood why parents would take their kids clothes off before they fed their kids, I mean what about bibs... It doesn't matter with Hadley. After any meal she is seriously covered from Head to Toe. She is an artist at heart... always creating masterpieces in her hair, on her pants, and her shirts... WHAT A MESS!!!!

Forget The To Do List

It's amazing how much fun you can have when you forget about your To Do List and just play with your kids.

We Finally Did It!

About 3 weeeks ago we finally said goodbye to Hadley's binky. We only had one binky left and it got a tear in it. It was great modivation. With Boston he only had his binky to sleep with after 12 months, and then no binky at 18 months. With Hadley she only had it to sleep at 12 months, but then we dragged our feet taking it away completely... finally at 22 months we've done it!! YIPEE!! It was a rough couple of nights, especially since she got sick right at the same time... but now we are binky free and sleeping great! I just can't believe she is almost 2!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We've got Robots in the House!!

I hardly see my kids faces anymore. They are always wearing things over the heads to make them Robots! Hadley is especially obsessed with it. I absolutely love how Boston and Hadley adore each other. They love playing together.
On another note Hadley's prayers are getting more and more interesting. We used to tell her what to say and then she would repeat it. Now she is coming up with her own stuff. We begin the prayer and then she spouts off random words from our day. Like "Horse's, Gagons." which means she is thankful for the walk we took to see the horse's and our visit with the Gagon family. Or I might say thank you for our food, and she will then say "thank you for eggs." (she LOVES scrambled eggs.) She is also sensitive. Tonight Jeremy was in bed with a migraine and the first thing Hadley said after Dear Heavenly Father was "Daddy." She knew he could use a prayer. Seriously this girl is growing up so fast and changing so much every day.
Tonight Boston prayed "Thank you that we could teach Hadley that we are not Monsters." Although some days I am a Mommy Monster, and I glad we could teach Hadley other wise. ;)
Oh man, kids are to much fun.

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Jeremy's birthday festivities continued on after the birthday BBQ. On Sunday we went to my parents house where my Mom fixed an amazing Chinese dinner, and Root Bear Floats for Jeremy's "cake." Jeremy always picks something random like Popsicles or this time Root Bear Floats for his treat. It was fun to be together with some of my family.
On Monday we surprised Jeremy at his work with Cinnamon Rolls!! Later that night we went out to dinner at Sizzler! YUM-O!
Then Jeremy got to open his gifts for me and the kiddos! I think the kids were more excited about him opening his presents then anyone else! I am so lucky to have Jeremy as my husband, and the father to our kids! He truly is amazing.
(Sorry the words on the pics are hard to see.)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Busy Saturday!

Saturday morning I was able to go to my friend Saren's Sealing in the Mount Timpanogos Temple. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I feel so lucky I was able to be there!! I snapped this picture real quick in the Windy day... so it's not the best, but at least it is a memory!!
I was able to come home for a brief moment, then quite a few of us from Jeremy's family were able to go support his little sister at her dance concert at BYU. She choreographed one of the pieces they did called Hands of Time. This is what she wrote about it "As the hands of time pass by, do we idle away the gift that has been given to us? We are cautioned that we "shall pay for the loss of out time" (Exodus 21:19). It is only when we heed this warning that we realize it is our own hands that control those precious hands of time." Well said Megan. Well said. It was so fun to go see Megan in one of her many elements.
After the dance concert everyone came over to our place to have a Birthday BBQ for Jeremy and Jeremy's Mom. I think everyone had a great time!
Hadley with two of her FAVORITE people.
Jeremy Grillin' with his sister Cindy.
Boston hanging out with his cousin Taylor!
Eating the oh so yummy grub!
Darla and Jeremy getting ready to blow out their candles!! Jeremy's sister Jenn made this most AMAZING CAKE!

Aunt Cat helping Boston and Caydon roast Mallows!
Sophia, Brett, and Hadley enjoying smores in the rain!
Brian helping Caydon and Boston roast more marshmallows!!
What a busy fun filled Saturday!! A BIG thanks to all those who came to the dance concert to support Megan, and all those who were able to come to the BBQ!!!

Red Dress. Red Glasses.

The other day Hadley came out of Boston's room looking like this, and it instantly reminded me of a picture I had when I was a little girl...

Silly Girls.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

For St. Patrick's Day we enjoyed some shamrock pancakes, with shamrock sprinkles! We spent the day shopping for Jeremy's birthday and passing out these TOTALLY CUTE teacher appreciation gifts.
I have really tried to make sure the primary teacher's feel loved and appreciated. So once a quarter we do something fun for them. My counselor made these and they were a HUGE hit! I am for sure making some of these next year!!

Hope everyone had a fabulous St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day Party

I have been overwhelmed lately just realizing how fast my kids are growing up. I have been more determined to be a better Mom, and to have more fun with my kids! So I decided I wanted to throw a little St. Patrick's Day Party. So one day when I went out to my Mom's I had the kids make rainbow's with colored marshmallow's. The kids loved doing this, and they turned out super cute!! Hadley would put her marshmallow's on her rainbow and then eat it... a little glue never hurt anyone right?? So needless to say she didn't finish her rainbow! (sorry I spelled Marshmallow wrong in the pic... I'm to tired to change it!)
Then we went on a Gold Hunt. I hid a bunch of Gold Coins all over the basement and the kids had a great time finding them!
Then we frosted pots of gold! (yellow cake cupcakes)
Oh so yummy!!! It was so much fun! I really need to do fun things more often!!

Do They Make Me Look Smart?

I got new glasses in the mail this week!!! I haven't had glasses since 9th grade... It is nice to have them for days my eyes don't want contacts, and for the mornings before I get ready!!

Another Zoo Trip

My Mom and I took advantage of yet another Free Zoo Day at the end of February! Love it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Busy, but No Pictures To Show...

I sure have been busy running here and there and everywhere... but I don't have any pictures from all my adventures!! Beyond the normal routine there has been Saren's Wedding Shower, Andrea's Baby Shower, Morgan's Wedding, The Blue and Gold, Allie's Baptism, and the many many play dates of Boston's friends. Last week for instance we had a play date on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. All with 4 different kids. He is so lucky to have so many friends.
Mostly I have been spending my time searching the Internet, asking friends, and calling around to find out which preschool to send Boston to this fall. Seriously, there are WAY to many options. In the end I decided to save myself $800.00 and put him in the affordable, safe, clean, and fun city preschool. They do it at the Rec. Center. It is called Funshine Preschool. We went and enrolled Boston and met his teacher Miss Robin. Boston is beyond exciting to start school, and can't wait for the fall!!

We Did It!!

I can't believe it!! We finally went to a movie as a family!!! The kids did so awesome!! The worst part was getting into the theater... it was dark and loud. Boston doesn't like anything loud and especially dark and loud. So after a few tears, he was just fine and loved the movie!! It might not seem like a big deal to other people, but Hadley has NEVER liked to watch movies/T.V. (unless it's Elmo.) So we just haven't dared take her... but we all loved the movie Tangled!! I think we will be adding this one to our small movie collection!!