Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Boston's First Prayer

A few nights ago Jeremy and I were tucking our little guy in bed and as usual I asked whose turn it was to pray. Boston said "My turn." So Jeremy starting helping him say his first prayer, one word at a time. He did really well at repeating everything until Jeremy said "Thank you for our house." Boston confidently said "Thank you for Mickey Mouse!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Evidence The We Are All Different

I saw these two mailboxes the other day, and just had to take a picture with my phone. It just reminds me of how we are all different. One is not better then the other, just different. It also reminds me of this quote;

"Our greatest strength as a human race is our ability to acknowledge our differences, our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them." -Judith Henderson-

Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Fantastic Weekend!

Isn't it funny how some weekends you have absolutely nothing going on, and others are jam packed! Well this weekend was a busy one, but a great one!
On Friday night I had the girls on my Dad's side of the family over to my house for dinner. It was so fun to see everyone and enjoy lots of chatting and laughing.

On Saturday we celebrated Jeremy's birthday by having his family over for a cruise themed BBQ! We turned our deck into a "cruise ship" using Christmas lights, life jackets, and oars.
Jeremy was the master chef and grilled up some yummy hamburgers and hot dogs!
We also had a putting contest on our deck.
Boston thoroughly enjoyed his first golf lesson!

I made fish sugar cookies to go along with our cruise theme. B and his cousin seem to enjoy them! It was fun to have so many of Jeremy's family come out to our place. His parents and 8 out of the 11 siblings were able to come!

On Sunday morning, Jeremy and Boston decided to try on some of my old funny glasses! I thought it was hilarious!

After church we were able to go with my parents to the Draper temple dedication. What a wonderful experience it has been for me, to attend 6 temple dedications.
My first experience was when I was 8 years old, and I was able to attend the Bountiful temple dedication. I remember singing The Spirit of God, and I felt the most amazing feeling throughout my body. It was the spirit. It is one of my very first memories of feeling the spirit. Whenever that song is sang, especially during temple dedications, the spirit fills my soul and testifies to me that The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints is true.
After the dedication we celebrated Jeremy's birthday at my parents house by having chicken enchilada's and root bear floats. I hadn't had a root bear float in a very long time. It tasted SO GOOD!
Boston was so cute about Jeremy's birthday. He just kept saying "Daddy birthday!" "Happy Birthday Daddy!" "More presents!" He even sang the whole Happy Birthday song which both Jeremy and I were surprised to find out he knew!
What a fantastic Weekend!

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Beds!

We did it! We put up B's new bed, and as you can see from the pictures he loves it!

The first night went perfectly. Second night, he woke up at 2:00am and came to his door crying. The first nap... well he was quiet for a half hour so I thought he must be asleep. WRONG! I was doing the dishes and he walks in saying "Hi!" "I stinky!" Sure enough, he needed a diaper change. I had no idea he could even open his door... lesson learned.
So far It has gone better then I could have dreamed. (I love this picture of him pretending to sleep!)


So the crib has now found a new home in the baby girl's room! My amazing husband spent hours and hours painting this room. I just kept reminding him that it was HIS IDEA to do the poka-dots.
It is my favorite room in the house! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! The paint job looks great with the ladybug bedding!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

1 through 10

I finally recorded B counting to 10! Who knew it could be so exciting!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Joy of Owning Your Own Home... YARD WORK!

Don't you just hate when you forget the camera! We went up to our friend's cabin this weekend, and it was breathtakingly beautiful! So just imagine the most amazing pictures of millions of Aspen Tree's covered in snow, with a bright blue sky, and the sun making everything in sight sparkle! Oh if only I had remembered the camera.

After we came home from our nice relaxing weekend up at the cabin, we spent 2 1/2 hours working out in the yard. WOW! Who knew we had so much yard work to be done! While Jeremy and I were working Boston fell in love with "running" down the little hill in our yard. After his 30th time down, I finally decided to get the camera out to capture his new found love. I know probably no one but me will find this entertaining, but I'm going to post it anyway.

Do you remember the days when all you needed was a hillside to be entertained for a few hours??

Mr. Imagination

I love Boston's ability to imagine. Not only is the can opener a helicopter, but so is the top shelf sprayer in the dishwasher. Now if I could only imagine like him, I could turn this apple into a cookie!