Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Hudson!!

Our adorable nephew Hudson had his 1st birthday party on Saturday!  He is the happiest little guy you will ever meet!  We all had tons of fun celebrating this little man!

We Love the Olympics!!!

We are absolutely loving the Olympics!  So much fun to watch!!

3rd Annual Valentine Cookie Party

On Friday we had our 3rd annual Valentine Cookie Decorating Party!!

Always so much fun, and always so delicious!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

8 Very Long Years

Eight years ago today my sister Natalia passed away. On tender days like today I am especially thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ. Because of him, I know have the opportunity to live with my Heavenly Father, and all of my loved ones again. I know I will see Natalia again!! I am so very grateful for that knowledge and testimony.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

What A Weekend

On Friday me and the kids went downtown to City Creek to meet up with my 3 best friends from my elementary school days!  It was sooooo good to see them and catch up!  We forgot to take a picture :(  so sad!  
Then I went to visit a little boy in our ward who had surgery because of a twisted bowl.  I was glad I was able to stop by.  Very humbling to see so many little kids there.
Then I went and picked up Logan and Mason for a sleepover!  We had Pepporoni and Bacon Pizza for dinner (Just like Natalia always ordered and per Mason's request) and went to 7 Peaks Fun Center in Lehi for a little fun!  Came back to enjoy some ice cream and a movie!  In the morning Mason wanted Waffles (Just like his mommy)  It was so fun to have them over!

On Saturday I was able to take Hadley to the Fancy Nancy party at the library!  She looked so stinkin' cute all dressed up and fancy!  They read Fancy Nancy Books, had a real ballerina teach them some Ballet moves, and then had a little tea party!

We ran into some ward members and she enjoyed being fancy with them!

Then we traveled up to Wood Cross and went with my family to the temple in honor of Natalia.  It's been 8 years since her stroke.  We miss her so much.  Serving in the temple always brings us peace.

Afterwards we went back to my parents for a yummy dinner and then made Smores in honor of Natalia.  It was a fabulous, and also tender weekend.


I thought January would be a month filled with time to work on my billions of projects I hope to do someday.  Well I accomplished ONE of those projects thanks to my Mom's help.  I wanted to make this imagine banner for the kids play tent!  I love how it turned out!

Creative Kids

Boston loved his Puppet making class at the library!  I loved his puppets mustache!  So funny!

Hadley's preschool had Hat Day.  In true Hadley fashion she had to make her hat.  She was so proud to wear her creation to school!  

Good Watch

A few months ago I posted about a big dream one of my friends had to meet with 50 critically ill children in 50 different states and write 50 books with those kids. Well his dream is becoming a reality. Here is author number 3. Take a peak at the goodness the Red Fred Project is spreading state to state, heart to heart. What an amazing and inspiring project!


Oh boy...

Cambridge is quite the climber!!  He really keeps me on my toes!  
He is talking more.  Mom, Dad, Ball, More, All Done, Go, Bye Bye, Hi
He has 10 teeth including some molars
He not only sings Pink, and Katy Perry, but now will sing along to the ABC's which is adorable!

Something for me to work on...

I keep thinking about something I read on Mitchell's Journey. I know after my sister Natalia died hundreds of people came to tell us wonderful things about my sister (which we already knew how amazing she was.) I remember wishing so bad that they would have told her these things while she was alive. She needed that. Mitchell's Journey says it perfectly "Why do we wait for someone to die before we eulogize them? Why do we withhold words of affection, commendation and admiration as if they were scarce commodities? Sometimes, at funerals, the nice things we have to say are said too late. And I get the sense, that for whatever reason, some people die a little inside each day – and a loving observation or a word of encouragement can be just what someone needs to breathe new life into their life. It’s been my experience that as long as I’m truthful and sincere with others, telling them what good I think of them never gets old and is always appreciated."

Martin Luther King Junior Day!

We started they day out by talking about who Martin Luther King Jr. was and what he did that we celebrate on this day.  Then I had the kids work on their dreams.  Hadley's is a pool filled with Marshmallows.  Boston's is to be a Ski Jumper in the Olympics.  

Jeremy had to work, so we partied without him.  We met Logan and Mason at Hollywood Connections and had a blast!

Then Grandma and Grandpa came and we walked across the street to the Grizzley Hockey Game!

We all had a great time at the Hockey game!

Sadly they lost in overtime.  It was a really fun day, and always nice for Boston to have a day off of school!

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

Boston was so proud of himself for making his own breakfast one Sunday morning! Hot chocolate and toast of course! He said "now I'm ready for my mission... cause you have to cook all your own meals ya know!" 

My favorite part was that he wore an apron! What a great missionary in the making!

Spring Fever

2 crashes, 1 foot in dog poo, 1 missed bathroom break, but we still enjoyed the sunshine!!


I always love when Friday rolls around and we finally have time to play! Jan. 18th we enjoyed ice cream and a movie! (Warning: don't watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 during dinner time...it makes you extra hungry...especially for a cheeseburger!)

Good Watch

One of the best CES Firesides.  Loved it.


Good Read

With all this talk about Gay Marriage I REALLY loved this post.



Boston brought me his toothpaste one morning very concerned. "Mom it says drug facts. Drugs are really bad for you!"

SNOW much Fun!

Oh house has been quite the hangout spot during the winter.  Lots and lots of boys coming over to sled!   A huge thanks to my sister-in-law Cindy for giving us her old sleds.  We constantly have all 5 of our sleds in use.  The kids scare me to death sledding on our hill in the backyard, but they LOVE it!  The picture above is the 3 littlest sledders... they mostly just like to eat the snow!

A Perfect Wednesday Afternoon

On Jan. 8th we had the perfect afternoon.  Snow Ice Cream, Hot chocolate with Whip Cream, and a trip to go sledding at our old church!

Cambridge LOVED it!  He even learned a new word.  He was sitting in the sled and said  "Go, go go!"
Could she get any cuter?
Boston could live in the snow.  Seriously.

So much fun!