Sunday, February 2, 2014

Something for me to work on...

I keep thinking about something I read on Mitchell's Journey. I know after my sister Natalia died hundreds of people came to tell us wonderful things about my sister (which we already knew how amazing she was.) I remember wishing so bad that they would have told her these things while she was alive. She needed that. Mitchell's Journey says it perfectly "Why do we wait for someone to die before we eulogize them? Why do we withhold words of affection, commendation and admiration as if they were scarce commodities? Sometimes, at funerals, the nice things we have to say are said too late. And I get the sense, that for whatever reason, some people die a little inside each day – and a loving observation or a word of encouragement can be just what someone needs to breathe new life into their life. It’s been my experience that as long as I’m truthful and sincere with others, telling them what good I think of them never gets old and is always appreciated."

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