Sunday, March 30, 2014

Zoo Day!

My cousin Megan invited us to join them for FREE ZOO day on the last Wednesday in February!  We had such a great time, but it was PACKED with people!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Utah Gymnastics

Cambridge was sick, Jeremy had lots of homework, so we left them at home and went to join my family for some fun Utah Gymnastics!  It was so fun!
Matt and Heather's crew
and my parents were there... but my Dad refuses to have his picture taken in such a RED place!!

Presidents Day!

We had a super fun Presidents Day!  It's to bad Jeremy always has to work :(
We drove up to the Olympic Park in Park City!  The kids loved it, and so did I!   I just LOVE everything and anything Olympic!  The kids especially thought it was cool seeing a real bobsled track!
Then we met up with my parents (who happened to be shopping in Park City) for lunch!  It was really fun to spend some time with them!

Then we went and checked out the Olympic stuff in Salt Lake City!  Not as much to do there...

Since we had some extra time we went and checked out Gilgal Gardens!  Such a random, unique, interesting, cool place.

Since the weather was so nice, we went to liberty park and enjoyed some fun there!  What a crazy crammed day of fun!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Boston's Patriotic Program

Boston's 1st grade class did the best program ever!

It was a patriotic program!

The kids sang the songs SO WELL and were just so darn cute!

Boston with his buddy Porter!  I was super proud of all the kids. They were amazing.

Videos for the Grandparents to enjoy!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Valentines Day!!

We had lots of fun leading up to Valentines Day preparing Boston's amazing Olympic Themed Valentine Box!!  He had this idea and he made it happen!  It was really fun to work on it together!
I thought the kiddos valentines turned out super cute!

Valentines morning we had heart shaped cinnamon rolls with pink frosting, heart strawberries, heart egg/toast, and pink strawberry milk!  The kids loved it!  
I helped out at both Hadley's party (on the 13th) and at Boston's party!  It is always so fun to go see them in their classrooms and interacting with friends!

In the afternoon the kids wrote some awesome Valentines for us!

That night Jeremy's sister watched the kids and we went out on a super fun date!  We went to a fun Mexican restaurant in Midway/Heber.  They had a Salsa bar which was pretty fun!

Then we went Ice Skating!!

The rink was right next to the beautiful Ice Castles in Midway!  So fun!!

We walked around the Ice Castles and just enjoyed being us.