Monday, November 2, 2015


We had so much fun playing at a little carnival set up at Maceys.  We were able to go FREE with our Pass of all Passes!  The kids had a blast!

Pioneer Day!

Loved spending the 23rd and 24th celebrating Pioneer Day with my family!!! Fun parade, amazing fireworks, beautiful Red Butte Gardens, yummy pizza at The Pie, learning lots at the Pioneer Museum, touring the State Capitol, and then crashing at home for a movie night!

I found the quilt that has my Great Grandma's name on it Mary Lewis, but sadly they wouldn't let me unfold the blanket to find her name specifically.

Stay to the Right!

On a 5 miles bike ride, I found myself saying "Stay to the right!" what felt like 100's of times. The path is busy and staying to the right is the best way to keep them from getting run over by all the other bikers! During one of my "Stay to the right" outbursts Hadley began singing at the top of her lungs "Choose the right! When a choice is placed before you, in the right, the holy spirit guides!" It made me think... I am trying to get my kids to stay to the right to protect them. Not to annoy them, drive them crazy, or force them to do what I want. Its simply to keep them safe. That's exactly like Heavenly Father. He doesn't give us commandments, and counsel from prophets and apostles to annoy us, drive us crazy, or force us to do what he wants... rather its to keep us safe.
Stay to the Right!! 

The Kids 1st Play- Robin Hood

Our library is amazing.  This summer they had a theater program that the kids could participate in!  After the 1st practice both kids wanted to quit.  I encouraged them to keep going... by the end they were so happy the did it!  So fun to see them work hard and endure long practices, and then feel so proud when the play was over! They starred in their roles as Nutsy (Boston) and Toby (Hadley)

My Mom was able to come to the matinee performance!

Of course she treated the kids after...
Jeremy came to the evening performance!  So much fun and a great experience for the kids!

34th Annual Armatage Family Reunion

34th Annual Armatage Family Reunion! Nothing better then enjoying the beautiful Grand Tetons, catching up with family, hearing stories around the campfire, eating delicious food, and watching your kiddos have the time of their lives! The only thing that would have made the trip much better would have been a little more sunshine and less rain, and Jeremy not getting sick.  He had the flu and ended up staying in a hotel for a night.  Other then that it was wonderful. I am so blessed to belong to such an amazing family!
Painting rocks, riding bikes, playing in the rain, and exploring the world!

Sometimes the rain gets so bad you go to town and find ANYWHERE to stay dry...

The 6 Brothers and Sisters.  Richard, Mary, Myrna, Joyce, Doris, and Terry!

Sisters- Mary, Myrna, Joyce, and Doris

Girls Cousins!  Marylin, Verna Ray, Britt, Lauren, Maddie, Heather, Lissy, Janae, Michaela, Camille, Hadley, and Cambria.

Boy Cousins!  Max, Tanner, Spencer, David, Alec, Parker, Dan, Matthew, Matt, Austin, Logan, Mason, Cambridge, and Boston

Boston's Baptism Day!

July 4th was extra special for us this year, because Boston was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! It was a wonderful day shared with many family and friends. I feel so grateful that Heavenly Father blessed me with such an amazing little boy! Boston teaches me way more then I teach him. He knows his scripture stories, and gives amazing family home evenings. I'm so grateful to live in a country where I am free to worship how I feel is right. My heart is so full.
This was the program!  I was lucky enough to be able to design it!

The display table

So grateful for Jeremy for being a worthy priesthood holder and being able to Baptize and Confirm Boston.  What a special thing that was for the both of them.

I was shocked how many family and friends took time on their holiday to come and support Boston.  So very thankful for each of them!!!

This was my favorite thing I did.  Printed off pictures from his 8 yeas of life, and put them in the shape of an 8!  So much fun to look back, and everyone who came over enjoyed it too!

Once almost everyone had gone, Boston was able to open a few gifts.  Brand new super nice scriptures from my Mom and Dad, and a scripture case from Jeremy and I.

That evening we celebrated with our neighbors doing some fireworks, and enjoying the perfect view of the flag flying in the canyon!

On Sunday I had Boston take some time to write down his feelings. So neat.
As for me the Baptism day was a little crazy, but wonderful.  The moment I will treasure the most was the night before his baptism I was in his room saying goodnight, and we started singing "I like to look for Rainbows" together.  The spirit filled the room, and it was a very special moment for the both of us.

Baptism Prep...

In preparation for Boston's baptism we did a super quick photo shoot, and designed invitations!!  Exciting times ahead...