Sunday, June 29, 2008

Girls Camp!! This time as a leader...

I was lucky enough to be able to go with my Young Women up to Girls Camp this past week! It was an amazing experience. We went on a short 3 mile hike, did a ropes course (The bottom right pictures shows me actually swinging across the pond... the first time I went right into the water! GROSS!) we also did archery, and climbed a rock wall!
On of my favorite parts was going on this zip line into the middle of the lake where it launches you off into the freezing cold dirty lake! It was SO FUN! Although there was a lot of fun things we did, we also did a lot of amazing spiritual activities. As you can see on the bottom right picture, they changed the pavilion into the Kirkland temple. It was amazing to watch these young girls feel the spirit of our heavenly father and have their testimonies strengthened, as was mine. It was a beautiful place to take a time out away from the things of the world.
I work with an awesome group of girls and leaders that I love! But I said to myself often throughout camp "Did I really act like this when I was their age." Probably so. I am so grateful my Mom and Jeremy took such good care of Boston while I was gone so I could enjoy girls camp! (although I missed them terribly!) It was an unforgettable experience!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Seeing Double!

Jeremy's nephew Caydon came to visit us the weekend! It was crazy having two kids, especially since they are only a month apart! It was a lot of fun, and also a lot harder then I would have thought!

We went for lots of walks, a bike ride, and played with every toy in the house! It was fun to have our little visitor around!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Super Fun Day!

Since we came home a day early from camping, Jeremy still had a day off of work to enjoy! We took full advantage of that! We rode our bikes to a park and had a picnic!
Then we went swimming at our local pool! It was so much fun!! Boston is a little fish! He loves the water, and probably would stay in it all day if I would let him. He loves to just splash, and splash some more!

FYI: If you are looking for affordable swimshorts go to they have a 50% off coupon on their website, and you can see their store locations there as well. Mervyns has a great selection too.
If you are like me and have been searching for a swim shirt you can find them at places like Big 5, Sports Authority, or Jeremy, Boston, and I love our swim shirts! You don't have to worry as much about getting burned!
After swimming my parents came down and went with us to our co-ed softball game! It was so fun to have them there for such an awesome game! We were really far behind, and came back to win it! Jeremy had another in-park homerun! I wish I could run like he does!
Isn't it nice to just have a free day once in awhile.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I Love Camping... but in the snow??

Don't be fooled. These pictures really are current. We went camping up by Bear Lake this week for our annual family reunion, and this is the kind of weather we received. CRAZY!!! I have never been camping in the snow before, and I don't care if I ever do again. Although there are a couple of benefits; absolutely no bugs, you never have to worry about anything getting warm in the coolers, and you don't have to put on sunscreen!
Thanks to our cousin's letting us sleep in their trailers, we were able to survive our frigged camping experience, and even have fun doing it. We played games, roasted lots of smores, ate like kings and queens, and just enjoyed visiting with all our family.One day we were so sick of the cold we drove down to the local pizza place to warm up! Who would have thought we would ever go out to eat while camping... oh well. We were desperate for some place warm.
The last morning we spent camping, the sun came out for a moment so we took advantage of its warmth.
We finally got to go on a hike to this amazingly beautiful creek. What an adventure!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What an Awesome 1st Year of Parenting

I can't believe it, but it is true. I've been a mom for a year, and what an awesome year it has been. I love being a mom. I am so lucky to have such a happy healthy little man! We had lots of fun celebrating his first year!
I carried on the tradition my parents created by making Boston birthday pancakes!
I think I enjoyed playing with the new toys almost more then he did!

Jeremy too had lots of fun with his toys... look what he created with Boston's blocks!

Even the cute girls upstairs got into Boston's birthday by sidewalk chalking our stairwell!
What a very happy 1st birthday!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Boston's Barnyard Birthday Bash!

We celebrated Boston's Birthday this past Saturday with all of my family, and a lot of Jeremy's! It was so fun to get together!

Because Boston loves animal sounds we had a barnyard party, and of course the party included lots of food! I made my first attempt to frost a cake... I think it turned out alright for a beginner.
Boston didn't care how it was decorated, he LOVED the cake!
Boston was very spoiled by all the family. A BIG THANKS to all those who came to celebrate Boston's first year!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baby Steps

Boston is getting just a little bit closer to walking! He will now walk along the couch as long as their are snacks to modivate him... good thing they are healthy snacks!