Saturday, January 23, 2016

That's a Re-try

I love this little guy of mine. His new favorite saying is " that's a re-try!" He will say this if he misses the baseball up at bat, misses the hoop playing basketball, misses someone's high five, or misses a cool jump. After hearing this several times a day I got to thinking that the Saviors atonement does just that for each of us. It allows us a re-try everyday. Each day we can repent of our errors, start with a clean slate and have a Re-Try. For that I am so grateful.

Sometimes he turns into a batman fairy too...

Back to School 2015-2016

A 1st grader, and a 3rd grader. When did they get so old? 
Boston was so excited to go back and see his friends, and remember his math!
Hadley was worried her teacher would turn into an octopus... I told her that was simply impossible!!! She then replied "Albert Einstein could make it happen!" Another school year here we come!!!

Back to School Dinner

We had our back to school dinner on August 16th, with the theme being "Be Positive!" Or "Bee" positive! That is our family goal for this school year!!

Jeremy's Graduation from BYU with his MPA!

 On August 14th, 2015 Jeremy graduated from Brigham Young University with his Masters of Public Administration.  So incredibly proud of this guy!!! What a HUGE accomplishment. A big thanks to Jeremy's parents and my parents for coming to celebrate with him!
They had a little pre-graduation party with the graduates and their families, then it was time to get all dressed up!

 Then we headed off to the Marriot Center!

While waiting for his turn to walk across the stage Jeremy had some fun photo ops...

Finally it was his turn!

We had some better pics with everyone, but they are stuck on my camera... maybe to never be seen again :( 

So so happy.  It was a LONG 3 years for me, but I'm so glad he did it!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Michaela's Annual Circus

While we were away on our anniversary my Mom took the kids to my nieces annual Circus!  What adorable clowns I have!

Happy 10th Anniversary!

August 12th, 2015 we celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary!!  We had planned to go to NY and visit Jeremy's mission, but we bought a house instead.  So we stayed close to home!  Jeremy surprised me with flowers and chocolate!

Then off to dinner at Cafe Rio!

Then we arrived at the Inn of the Hill and enjoyed some rounds of pool!

Jeremy was able to get the same room where we spent our honeymoon!

In the morning we enjoyed our nice breakfast, the beautiful views, and then headed off to the temple!

So wonderful to spend time there!

Then lunch at the cheesecake factory!!  YUM YUM!!!

What a wonderful anniversary with the man that I love!

Museum of Curiosity

My parents spoil us!  They bought a grandparents pass to Thanksgiving Point!  So we had a super fun filled day at the Museum of Curiosity!  So much fun!

My Mom on the teeter totter... proof she is the best grandma!

Jeremy's Amazing Work Party

Jeremy is in charge of a HUGE work party for all of the south region employee's!  He did an amazing job yet again this year.  It started with dinner from JDawgs, a carnival, raffle, and then a movie at the Scera Shell.  Such a fun night!

P.S. Prayers are answered.  HUGE dark rain clouds threatened... but somehow it didn't rain on us.  It did everywhere else though!  So grateful.

Voting and Old Friends!

Did our civic duty to VOTE, and then it was off to the Splash Pad!

The best part about moving is you get to meet new, amazing people you wouldn't have met otherwise! So fun to catch up with some friends at the splash pad! So grateful our paths crossed Taisha and Julie!!!!

Crazy For You Play

What a fun night at the Scera Shell watching Crazy for You!  Fun play, and a great performance!

Summer with the Spencer's

We spent our last Monday with the Spencer kids Bowling and at Trafalga!  We sure loved having them over once a week this summer!!

Working at the Car Wash!

Kaitlyn's 1st Birthday Party

We had so much fun at Kaitlyn's 1st birthday party!!

I was asked to bring cupcakes!  I did strawberry lemonade, and Oreo cupcakes!

Ward Softball

It's seems like forever since I put these bad boys on!  Jeremy and I have had so much fun playing ward softball together!!