Monday, January 11, 2016

Camille's 30th Birthday

We started the day out with a bike ride!!  Great way to start age 30!

Then we got ready to go to 7 peaks... but when Jeremy told me to do my hair I was a little suspicous.  But ALL of us had our swim suits on ready to go and DING DONG!  SURPRISE!  My Mom was there to kind nap me and take me for a pedicure and shopping!  So much fun!!  We had such a great day!!

Then my Mom and me came back to my house so I could go out to dinner and SURPRISE!!!  Jeremy had put together the most amazing surprise birthday party complete with decorations, a delicious BBQ, the bestest of friends and family, 

and Heather made me the most AMAZING cake!

Yup.  The best. birthday. ever!

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