Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Big Red Shovel

If you remember earlier this winter I posted some pictures of Boston shoveling with a small sand shovel. Now he has the perfect size snow shovel that he LOVES! We were out shoveling for quite awhile, and he cried and cried when it was time to come in. I hope he keeps up his enthusiasm for shoveling snow through his teenage years.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Love to See The Temple

Jeremy and I were able to go to the Open House of the Draper Utah L.D.S. temple along with some of our family members. What a neat experience it was. Every temple is so unique, yet the spirit and peace that are found there in are the same.

I love the temple. The blessings the temple can give you, are almost endless. I know we can learn so much by going not once, but again and again to the temple. I know my life has been tremendously blessed by the temple. I am so grateful to know I can be with my family for time and all eternity if I live worthy of that privilege. I love being sealed to my husband Jeremy. It makes me try harder in our marriage knowing that our relationship is not just an earth thing, but a forever thing. The temple truly teaches me the meaning of my life.

This quote from President Howard W. Hunter reminds me of where my priorities in life should be... "Let us be a temple attending and a temple loving people. Let us hasten to the temple as frequently as time and means and personal circumstances allow. Let us go not only for our kindred dead, but let us also go for the personal blessing of temple worship, for the sanctity and safety which is provided within those hallowed and consecrated walls."

I would encourage all of you that are able, wether you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or not, to attend the Draper Temple Open House. What a wonderful thing temples are. You can get tickets and more information online by clicking here -> reserve online or you can call 801-240-7932 in the Salt Lake area, or call toll free 1-800-537-6181.

*NEW*- to answer some of your questions...
  • The Temple Open House runs now through the 14th of March.
  • The whole process took us 1 hour and 45 minutes. That included our wait at the church, watching the introductory movie, bus ride to the temple, walking through the temple, eating cookies at the church right by the temple, and our bus ride back. It's a pretty smooth process that we probably could have done in 1 Hour 30 minutes.

Best Friends

On Friday Boston's friend Porter came over for a few hours. They had so much fun together. I didn't realize that kids could really have friends this young... but they LOVE each other.

Porter's mom and I go walking 3 times a week, and as long as they have each other there, they let us go around the track for 45-60 minutes! Boston and I are both grateful to have such good friends.

Goodbye Hair!

My good friend Amy cut 6 or 7 inches off of my hair on Thursday! She even took my natural curl, added a bunch of product, and Wah-La! Who would have thought I had curly hair?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh How I Love This Boy

I am so grateful to be a mother. I love watching Boston learn and grow, and try on every hat in the house.

I love watching him do puzzles all by himself.

I love watching his imagination go wild as he plays with cars on the uglyiest, hardest floor in the house.

I love that he is telling me "stories" now. Such as "Basketball-Church-Daddy" after we watched Jeremy play in his first church ball game. Or "Mason-Grandma-Logan- Trains- Cars" days after visiting them.

Although at times being a mother 24/7 is tough, the rewards are priceless.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lesson Learned: ALWAYS grab a cart!

The other day I was of course in a big hurry running into the local Maceys Grocery store. All I needed to do was run to the bank, and grab some lettuce for dinner. So I thought it would be easier if I just carried Boston rather then grab a cart.

So after our quick trip to the bank inside the store, I went to the produce department. I found the lettuce and put Boston down to put it in a bag. Next thing I know Boston has touched one of the lettuce bunches at the bottom of the stack, and 10 from the top are now on top of him and the floor. Boston started SCREAMING. I don't know if he was scared, knew he was in trouble, or both. So I kneel down to try to comfort him, and 10 more bunches of lettuce come tumbling down.

It was one of those moments where you want to just disappear. Luckily for me a nice Maceys produce worker came as I was trying to put them all back and said "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it." I apologized 100 times, and ran out of the store.
I've always liked Maceys for their awesome car carts, customer service, cleanliness, and great food. Now I will always love them because they didn't make me pay for 20 things of lettuce. Next time, I'll make sure to grab a cart, and wash my lettuce extra good.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Snow Night!

Yesterday 8" of snow fell. Today it has been snowing since 7:30am, and it still hasn't stopped! So tonight was declared a snow night!
Boston loves to look at the snow, put on his gloves and hat, but he hates sledding... much to his mothers disappointment. So Jeremy and I took turns sledding down our front yard, and other nearby hills while he watched. We even took our tube for a ride down our street!
It was so much fun to spend a night outside in the snow together. Afterwards we came in and had Oatmeal cookies, and Hot Chocolate.
I think Boston's favorite part of the whole night was licking the beater!

Sunday Morning Visitor...

Jeremy woke up on Sunday morning to find this Hawk sitting on our fence! (At least we think it was a hawk... sorry the picture isn't the best!)