Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Break My Heart.

The other night Boston came out and said "I am really really sad."  I tried to get him to tell me why, and finally he asked for some paper. (He likes to draw how he feels rather then verbalize it.  Glad we figured that out.)  He was sad because he missed our old house.  Broke my heart.  We sat on  the couch together and talked about all the things we miss about our old house, neighborhood, and ward.  I feel bad that we will be moving yet again...

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cambridge's BirthDAY

Cambridge started his birthday with a traditional birthday pancake!

He LOVED all the toys he unwrapped.  He was so cute about each one!!

Spoiled little boy!  Then we watched Conference.  After the 1st session we headed to my parents to enjoy the rest of the weekend there!

We had a really low key birthday party for Cambridge at my Parents house during the priesthood session on Saturday.

I love how the banner turned out that I made!  (Thanks to two friends for helping me since my circuit is packed away...)

1st we headed to the park for some playtime!
Cambridge flew like a plan on the swings!

Then we came back to my parents and threw paper airplanes through holes to get points!

Cambridge loved it.

The best part of the day was listening to Cambridge sing Happy Birthday to himself like 50 times!  He was so dramatic and cute!

After priesthood we had yummy pizza and then had Cambridge's cake!  Very simple, but he loved it!  What a happy birthday!!

Cambridge is 2!!

Can't believe this little boy of our is 2!  We are so lucky to have him in our family!  Now it's time for the birthday photo shoot overload;

New House Progress

This is our lot.  This is our sold sign.  So exciting.  We spent the month of September trying to figure out all the design details of our home.  So stressfull, but I feel very grateful I get to have this stressfull/exciting experience.  We should have everything finalized this week... then hopefully in November they will start to dig!

September Randomness

September was a busy month for Baptisms!  We were able to see 5 people baptized this month!  Cousin Alea, Friends T.J., Kate, Alexa, and Porter (pictured above).  So awesome to see them making such a big and important choice!  Boston will be 8 before I know it...8 more months...  

This poor guy is tired!  Working and going to school is a lot on his plate!

One night we got our 72 hour kits out... oh boy... time to update them!  Hadley does not need diapers anymore!  Check out the clothes... lookin' a little small!
The kiddos favorite thing is to spend time at our "park" down the street

and riding bikes!

Boston has been busy losing 4 teeth in 5 weeks.

He is having a FABULOUS year in school!  I can't believe what a difference his teacher is making!  We are all a lot happier this year!

Sometimes in the morning we have to play a where is Boston game...

Hadley built on Olaf!  A little friend from school gave her the "kit!" She was so proud of it she said "take a picture and send it to Grandma!"

Lots and lots and lots of rain!  Hadley loved snuggling up in her blanket and watching all the rain fall!

I love how this girl can always make me laugh! Today I asked her "How was recess today?" Hadley replied "It was the best recess I ever respected" then she burst into song "Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when your part of the team! Everything is awesome when your livin' the dream!" (Repeat 48 times...)
While eating lunch... Hadley said "I was concerned at school today." 
A little worried I calmly asked "Why were you concerned?" 
Hadley responded "Because TWO boys said that I was their girlfriend." Let the boy drama begin!
Cambridge AKA Mr. Particular.  I have never met a more opinionated almost 2 year old in all my life.  He has to have 3 types of cereal in his bowl, and a glass of water, a glass of milk, and sometimes another cup of water depending on his mood.  Everything has to be just a certain way, in a certain order, or forget it!  He also has a hording problem.  I think this move has been hard on him.  He goes to sleep with an arm full of toys.  I think he is afraid if he doesn't sleep with them they will get packed away!

Nice hat Cambridge... I'm sure Hadley appreciated her underwear being worn as a helmet to protect you in your battles...

Cambridge thinks he is just as big as everyone else.  He climbed up right between the kids at my parents house to watch a show...  He is growing up way to fast!

Women's Conference

Last night before walking into the church to watch Women's Conference my Dad snapped this picture of my Mom and Me under her umbrella... then President Uchtdorf said one of my favorite quotes of the night. (pictured below) I'm pretty sure he ordered yesterdays rain special for that meeting. 
I am so grateful I was able to spend the night with my amazing Mom, learning from our wonderful Women leaders and an apostle of the Lord. I always leave conference feeling uplifted, changed, and such a desire to be so much better.

Meet My Grandma Armatage

Meet My Grandma Marie Lewis Armatage. I always loved visiting my Grandma Armatage at her red brick home in Pocatello, Idaho. I remember running to see what was in the can. She would always leave us a treat or some money to go down to the little store down the road. My brother would always spend his money to play Pool, and me and Natalia would buy bubble gum soda pop and penny candy! I loved having special sleepovers with her in her bed! She would wake up SO EARLY! I would often find her reading her scriptures or praying. She loved the Gospel with all her heart. She always had little boxes of cereal for us to eat, little cans of soda to drink, and Totinos pizzas to eat! I loved when she made her yummy rolls and cookies! I loved playing UNO, Flinch, Yahtzee, and Scrabble with her! She had a huge garden, and a fun bird bath. We loved sitting outside guessing what color car was going to drive by next. I always looked forward to our camping family reunions where she would have Grandma’s Store. She would pass out little cardboard circles as “money” and we could come shop at her store. Another favorite was her Parlor Picnics. We would drag the HUGE braided rug out to the living room and place it by the fire. We would roast hot dogs and marshmallows! Another special thing at Grandma’s was the closet. In the closet we would find special toys and games just for the grandkids. Santa brought something new for the closet every year! I remember her watching The Price is Right and the Lawrence Welk Show! Grandma always loved my bear hugs! I would have to say I got my love or service from my Grandma. She was always busy with church and community serving others. I also have a love of baking just like my Grandma did. She always made me feel safe, loved, valued, and important. I miss her! Love you Grandma Armatage! ‪#‎MeetMyGrandma‬
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Meet My Grandma Garner

Meet My Grandma Doris Adell Moulding Garner. I always loved visiting my Grandma Garner in her little mint green house, with mint green walls in Pocatello, Idaho. We would always find a candy dish that usually had black licorice in it! We would go over for Sunday dinner which was always delicious! I loved sitting in the corner seat on the bench and I really didn’t like the green lima beans she always seem to serve with the mixed vegetables! I remember eating soda crackers with butter on top for a snack! I would always try to sneak some Tang to drink while I was there! The TV was always on at her house. She loved her soap operas, and her sports. If a BYU football game was on… don’t even try to interrupt. She was their biggest fan. She also loved the horse races! I remember when I was in Elementary school she would always come to help on voting day! I would always find her and she would give me some chocolate licorice! I loved playing game with her. I remember 2 games specifically; Slap Jack and Strawberry Shortcake. I remember a little plastic bowling set she had. There was only one day a year I HATED to go to Grandmas and that was New Years Day. She always cooked Cream Cod on Toast. I thought the fish smell was going to kill me. So I would sit outside on the front step in the freezing cold to avoid such a death. When we moved away to Utah, I remember her and my Grandma Armatage would ride down together. Nothing but angels would bring them safely to our house. They would get lost almost every time, but somehow make it to our house in her little red car. My Grandma loved being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in many callings there. I would say I got my loved of serve from her and also my love of being with friends! She always gave warm hugs, and made me feel loved. I miss her! Love you Grandma Garner! ‪#‎MeetMyGrandma‬
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School Carnival

This year I for the kiddos school I was in charge of the school's pop bottle walk.  (like a cake walk)  Boston entered the Airplane see in the top left, and Hadley entered the Penguin and Mummy.  Lots of work, but so much fun!

The kids had a blast and a half at the carnival.  So much fun!

I think we were so busy having fun I forgot to take many pictures!  This was Cambridge's favorite part... the train.
Boston and Hadley love their school!!  (This was an art project for the older kids last year... all made from bottle tops.)

Special Days

The week of September 11th I was able to meet for lunch with my good friends Karlene and Margaret.  I am so grateful I was able to work with them on the 9/11 Memorial.  What a fabulous experience that was.

I am so excited that the memorial will be receiving  the George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge in February.  Pretty exciting!

Also Margaret mentioned my name on BYUradio. Embarrassing but honoring.   

I was able to take my kiddos there this year and talk about 9/11 and our amazing country and the men and women fighting for it.

That weekend we were able to go stay with Jeremy's brother Mark and his family so we could be there for Alea's baptism!  Special Special day!  We love there little family sooo much!

Jeremy's Fabulous Work Party

Jeremy was in charge of a party for all of the South Region Intermountain Healthcare Employees.  The 1st party of its kind.  No big deal... ok really big deal.  Let me tell you HE ROCKED IT!  The party was held at the Scera Shell in Orem.  The party started with lots of fun carnival games for the kiddos with fun prizes.  Also face painting and balloons!  

They also gave us each a box of popcorn, bag of M&M's, and a water to have while we watched Despicable Me 2!

It's fun watching Jeremy in his element!  He is pretty awesome.  :)