Friday, April 11, 2008


Sometimes I post things that only a grandmother would care about. This is probably one of those!

Boston and Jeremy love to play "The Nose Game." Boston grabs Jeremy's nose and he jerks away saying "ow!" or pretend sneezing. Boston things it is so funny. We just always have to make sure his figure nails are cut short.

Boston is now 10 months old and is getting funnier and funnier. He is really into pointing at EVERYTHING! He also really loves to play ball and is actually getting really good at throwing it.

The most exciting news is that Boston has slept through the night for 2 nights in a row! It sure make this mama a whole lot happier!

1 comment:

Berry Family said...

I am so excited for ya that he is sleeping through the night! What a great time. You actually feel like you get a full night's rest, huh? YAY!