Saturday, June 19, 2010

Boston's 3rd Birthday

On Boston's actual birthday we celebrated with the traditional birthday pancakes!

Then my Mom and nephews Logan and Mason were kind enough to come down and spend the day with us! We went to this new park I found that has the worlds biggest swings. I didn't get a very good picture, but just trust me. They seriously are the biggest, funnest swings EVER!! You seriously FLY on these things!

Apparently swinging on the big swings wasn't enough, so we went on the littler swings too!

Then this park has a great duck/fish pond that the kids loved, then we let them play in the fountains!! They had a blast! At one point I turn around and Boston is totally naked. He decided it was much funner with nothing on! Oh dear!! We hurried and fixed that one!

We ended the day with opening presents, eating cupcakes, and going to a stake service night.

I think it is safe to say Boston had a FABULOUS 3rd birthday!

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