Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Me and the kids had so much fun making Father's Day a special day for Jeremy. He truly is a WONDERFUL, AMAZING, PATIENT, LOVING, KIND, SILLY, GOOFY Father! We are so lucky to have him!!

The kids in primary learned "The Family is of God" to sing to the Dad's. They did so good! Even Hadley learned lots of the son! So cute! I love this video because you totally see them acting like typical siblings. So funny.

We also went and visited Jeremy's Dad and my Dad. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures! I am so lucky to have the Dad I do! He is an amazing man who is so unselfish. He taught me to love the gospel, to serve others, and that it was ok if I didn't get straight A's! I really feel so lucky to have been blessed with the world greatest Mom and Dad.

It was a wonderful Father's day!

1 comment:

Paul and Darla said...

I laughed all the way through it!