Friday, April 4, 2014

Cambridge is 18 Months!

Can't believe our ball lovin', ABC Singin', Banana Eatin', Cambridge is 18 months old today!! We love this little ball of energy that wishes he could live outside 24/7!

--He is seriously obsessed with balls.  Obsessed.  
--He loves granola bars, bananas, waffles, pancakes, quesidillas, applesauce, peas, Mac and Cheese, and suckers!!
--He cries and cries when we make him come inside.  He begs and begs to go outside every second of the day...
--He is a little chatter box.  Some of his favorite words, Mom, Dad, Eat, All Done, Ball, Cookie, Go Go Go, Yay!, No No No, Bye Bye...
--He is always getting into trouble.  Climbing things, and making big messes!
--He LOVES music.  He sings ABC's, TWinkle TWinkle, Katy Perry's "Roar" , Pink "Just give me a reason", and Frozen's "Let it Go!"
--He is finally over his Mommy only stage!  Thanks heavens!
--He hates shopping.  Like really HATES it.
--He loves baths!!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

You have the cutest kids!!