Saturday, February 28, 2009

Boston's First Bike Ride of The Season

Boston had the time of his life as Jeremy took him on his first bike ride since last summer. Boston kept yelling "Go Go Go!" He absolutly loved it!

What I am loving is the beautiful view of the lake and mountains we have from our house now that the inversion has moved out! Everyday I am just amazed by the beauty of our world. (Much better view in person... camera's don't do it justice.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

My little Climber

Boston and I had so much fun at the park yesterday. Last year when we went to the park, all Boston could do was swing. This year he has become my little climber! He loved the slides, the tunnels, and pointing out different letters of the alphabet, especially B! It is amazing to me how quickly kids grow up, and are able to do and learn so much more!
I am so glad we live close enough to walk to one of the most beautiful parks. It has the most amazing view of the lake and mountains. So beautiful!
-Sorry the pics are so grainy... I took them with my cell phone.-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a Zoo!

Yesterday we went to the Zoo! It was so much fun, but since it was a free day it really was a zoo in there with all of the people and their strollers! Boston LOVED seeing the animals! Especially the monkeys, bears, and elephants.

We even tried out the new carousal. Boston had so much fun, and when the ride started slowing down he yelled "GO GO GO!"

The train ride was probably Boston's favorite. He still can't stop talking about it. It sure was fun to watch Boston and lots of his cousins explore the zoo with such excitement.

Thanks for the fun day Mom, Aunt Joyce, Tiffaney, and Megan!! We will have to get together again soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is Your Favorite Kids Website?

I thought I would share a couple of my favorite websites, and I am hoping you will share yours with me!
The first one is Boston LOVES this website. It has really helped his vocabulary, pronunciation, and letter recognition. It is a great website from 18 months up to 6 years plus.
The second one is This is a great resource for me as both a parent and primary teacher. It has great coloring pages, scripture stories, and a few games.

What websites do your kids like, and what websites do your find are good resources for you as a parent?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 30th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Today is my Mom and Dad's 30th Anniversary! Now that is something to be celebrated!
What a great example they are to me of a wonderful marriage. They show love for each other, serve one another, and always seem to put the others wants/needs before there own. I know I can learn a lot from their example. Happy 30th Anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Finally... A Nice Sunny Day!

Although it is snowing today, Boston and I took advantage of the nice sunny day we had yesterday!
We went for a 45 minute walk around our neighborhood.
We even found some horses!
Boston would get so excited any time a car would drive by, or when he saw a basketball hoop, or heard a dog, bird, or airplane!
I love the snow, but I think I am ready for more sunny days like yesterday!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Background!

I LOVE my new blog background and header! My sister-in-law Cassie designed it for me! She does such a wonderful job. If there is anything you have been wanting for a background, she can do it for you! Check out her website!


I had a wonderful Valentines date on Friday night! My hubby is simply the best. I feel so lucky to have him.

On Valentines Day I made the traditional pink heart shaped pancakes! My little guy begs for pancakes nearly everyday!

I hope everyone had a very Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Thought Birds Flew South For The Winter?

I thought our Blue Jays would fly south for the winter... but I was wrong. They still come everyday to get the peanuts that Boston throws on the deck for them.

We really haven't gone outside to much this winter, so as soon as I open the screen door he runs and runs and runs across the deck.

It is a fun daily ritual. It's kind of like we have a pet, but don't have to clean up its mess!

-Does anyone else feel like when their child gets a hair cut, they look like a completly different kid?-

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Celebrate! I'm 2/3's the way done with Pregnancy! Yahoo!! The bad thing is I am already looking like Shamo!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Notes of Appreciation and Love

Three years ago today my sister Natalia passed away. Oh how I miss her. One thing that has helped me get through are these 7 notes that she wrote to me, that luckily I kept in a box.

As you can see most of them are thank you cards, from birthday presents, wedding presents, or gifts for her twin boys. But my favorite one, is the one below. She wrote this to me to thank me for a Family Home Evening lesson I gave. This letter was very unexpected when I received it, and it is something I will treasure forever and ever.

I love seeing her handwriting, and how she phrased things. I am so grateful that I have these notes to hold on to, to cling to, to cry on.

It makes me think though. Does everyone I love and appreciate have a note written by me, that in case I should die they would know how much I love and appreciate them? I'm afraid not. So my goal today, in honor of my sister, is to write a note of love and appreciation. Maybe you could join me, and together we can scatter love and appreciation all around us in honor of my sister.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Please Be Careful When Selecting Birth Control

3 Years ago today my sister had a stroke that was caused by using the Ortho Evra Patch. I take this awful anniversary date to try to warn every women out there of the dangers of some birth control methods.

It is not just the patch that is dangerous. A family friend also had a stroke while on the pill. I have had numerous friends tell me of their struggles caused by various forms of birth control.

My hope today is that every Women who reads my blog will look carefully at ALL of her birth control options. Know what risks are involved.

If you family has ANY history of stroke or blood clots, there is a blood test that can be done to see if your blood is more pron to clot. Please have the test done. This test could save your life.

Please, Please, be careful when selecting a birth control option for yourself.

Boston's New Favorite Chair

Jeremy had a little bit of Spring Fever and decided it was warm enough to wash the car in the driveway on Saturday. So he took Boston out with him and let him "drive."
Boston was smiling from ear to ear, and couldn't have been happier.

Heart Shaped Cookies!

Nothing says Valentines to me like a Heart Shaped Sugar Cookie! My Mom for as long as I can remember has made these cookies for the February holiday. So when my cute nephews came to visit, I was excited to have them frost one these special cookies!

Logan carefully spreading his frosting

Mason stopping to pose for the picture

Boston didn't care about frosting the cookie, he just wanted to eat it!

Nothing like decorating them with some M&M's!

I was quite impressed with how carefully they decorated their cookies. It was yet another fun day spent with my Mom and the boys!

Sugar Cookies

  • 2 Cups Sugar
  • 1 Cup Shortening
  • 1 Cup Milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1 tsp. Cream of Tarter
  • 2 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla
  • 5 to 7 Cups of Flour (I put in 6)
  • Mix ingredients together in order given. Dough will be stiff. Roll out about 1/2 inch think and cut with cookies cutters. Bake at 350 for 9 minutes. Let sit on cookies sheet 2 minutes then remove to cooling rack.

Cream Cheese Frosting

  • 8 oz. Cream Cheese
  • 1 Cup soft Butter
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • 4 cups powdered sugar

Smooth, Glaze Like Frosting (from Studio 5's website)

  • 1/4 cup butter or margarine
  • 4 cups pwd. sugar
  • 2 egg whites*
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1-2 tsp. milk
  • dash of salt
  • 1 capful of almond flavoring
  • Beat Together. Color as needed.
  • *2 tsp. meringue powder and 2 tbsp. water= 1 egg white