Thursday, October 2, 2008

Boston's First Train Ride

Once again My Mom and I took the 3 boys on an adventure.

We rode Front Runner and Trax to meet my Dad for Lunch. All 3 of the boys LOVED the train. Logan and Mason could not hide their excitement for finally getting to ride the "people train!" I think Boston loved it, because he didn't have to be strapped into his car seat.

After enjoying lunch in the ZCMI Mall food court for the very last time (It will be closed for demolition after Monday) we took a walk through temple square! It was so beautiful, like always.

After all that walking in the HEAT of October we decided we needed an Ice Cream Cone! Boston was in heaven.
It was so fun for me to visit downtown again, and it was extra fun to get their by train.
*Sidenote: My nephews Logan and Mason appear on my blog often. My mom watches them during the day while their dad is at work, since their Mom (my sister) is in heaven serving a mission. Since they don't have a Mom to blog about them, I like to share pictures of them for those who know them to enjoy.


Mary-Anne said...

You are such a cute mom! :) I did not know the ZCMI mall was going to be demolished! Sad!

Berry Family said...

They are all getting SO big! Such a fun day. Jovie loves to ride the commuter rail. We live about a block away from the drop off in Roy.

The Willeyes said...

Looks like another fun time:) What fun mom/grandma you guys are!

Melanie said...

That's one thing I love about staying home, is getting to take fun field trips and going on adventures so much. I love the pictures at the temple and with the ice-cream! So much fun!

Erin said...

I love seeing Logan and Mason in your blog. (And seeing handsome little Boston getting so big next to them!) I'm positive Natalia would have been a wonderful mommy-blogger and I'm so glad they get to share so much love from you and all of your family.

Ben & McKenzie Nelson said...

Camille -
So next time that you are up at your moms house on a thursday or a friday you should let me know because Ben & I have moved up to Bountiful and I live just like a block from the smiths on 500 south and 200 West! I love seeing the pictures of the twins and boston!

Lisa said...

Thank you for sharing pictures of Mason and Logan. We love seeing them grow and develop through your eyes. Your sister, Natalia, is lucky to have a mom and a sister like you and Doris! Undoubtebly she knows her sons are lucky too...

Sheffers said...

What a fun family trip. Our boys love to take the train and go to temple square. Your family is so cute and your blog is fantastic! Your hair is getting long again, how fun!