Tuesday, December 11, 2012

3 Links I Love

Three Things I am loving;

This is just awesome

I have been feeling like a failing mother a lot lately... I really needed this article!  Going from 2 to 3 kids has been hard... but at least I haven't quit!  :)

This is an article for everyone.  Quotes to put on your mirror each day!!

  • I am a unique, amazing, superhero kind of person. There will never be another me. I am the one who will decide how I will feel about myself. I am my goodness, my character, my talents and my kindness. This is who I am.
  • What other people think of me doesn’t matter. If they say mean things about me, it doesn’t change my value. I am still the same me. I can ignore mean comments because I am a good and important person, and nothing will ever change that. I know who I am.
  • My value comes from the fact that I am unique. I don’t waste time comparing myself to other people. I am the perfect me and they are the perfect them. Our differences make us both amazing.
  • My life is a classroom and I am here to learn and grow. Every experience I have teaches me something. I am right on track in my process of learning. I am doing great.
  • If I make a mistake, I apologize and work to do better in the future. I am still a good person. It was just a lesson.
  • No one is better or worse than anyone else. We all have the same value. I choose to see every person as the same as me.
  • I never gossip, criticize or judge other people. We are all doing the best we can with what we know. We are all learning and growing. I can forgive others.
  • I am here to help other people. I am always looking for people who need help or friendship. I am a friend to all. I have the power to treat people with love and kindness, even when they don’t deserve it. I do this because I am a kind person.
  • I choose my attitude in each situation. I can choose to feel bad about myself and scared. Or I can choose to feel like a superhero — strong, safe and loving. I choose a positive attitude every time.
  • I choose to feel strong, safe and loving. I believe in myself. I have everything I need to succeed in life. I am the amazing me.

1 comment:

Paul and Darla said...

Great things to know and remember. I like that.