Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Natalia- 345 Acts of Service

Less then a week before my sister's 29th birthday, I was pondering on what I could do as a "gift" to her. I came up with the idea to invite everyone around me to join me in doing Service for Natalia. I made a goal of 290 acts of service, because I thought that sounded good with it being her 29th birthday. After I sent the FB message out, the email out, and the blog blurb out about it... I thought that 290 was CRAZY. I didn't think there would be any way I would actually get that many people to do that much service in only a few days.

Words can not express how I felt when on Natalia's birthday at 12:45pm when I realized we surpassed the goal of 290 acts of service for Natalia, I just sat at the computer and cried. I was overwhelmed by the amazing response, the unbelievable service rendered, and the many sacrifices made to honor a very special person; Natalia. When it was time to go give Natalia her gift, we had 317 acts of service. I kept a spreadsheet of all the service rendered and by whom and posted it up at her grave.

Since then, 345 acts of service were reported to me... all done in the honor of Natalia. Dinner's, Lunch's and cookies were made and delivered, babysitting was done, Temple service given, lawns mowed, blankets donated, dolls and toys donated, wood split, weeds pulled, extra time was spent with those that needed it most, cards were sent, flowers were given, dinner was bought, indexing was done, beds were given, hospital visits made, a coat was given, leaves raked, forgiveness was given, frosty's were bought and delivered, service at the food bank, some neighbors were helped moving, garbaged was cleaned up, comfort was given, dishes were done, blood was given, kindness rendered, Graffiti cleaned off, packages sent, notes written, books were sent to orphanages, and so many many many many more things were done. Thank you to all those who helped me reach my crazy goal of 290 a reality. Amazing service done for an amazing person. Happy Birthday Natalia.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us!!! It was amazing.