Monday, November 28, 2011

Jeremy's Tradition

I am usually the one that plans this that or the other around here... but last year, Jeremy decided he wanted to go to our city's lighting the tree event, so now we have made it a tradition... and I will forever call it Jeremy's tradition (because it may be the only tradition he starts ;)

It was extra special this year because Boston's preschool decorated the ornaments for the city's tree! Boston was so proud of his red ornament!!

The Mayor passed out candy canes which the kids LOVED... and then the lights turned on the tree, and Santa arrived via a fire truck!

This kids were SO EXCITED to talk to Santa! We were excited they actually got the chance... Santa only talks to some of the kids... Hadley told Santa that she wants a Barbie with a horse! Santa also promised to bring her some candy!!

Boston asked for a remote control car... Santa said "Haven't I already given you lots of cars?" Boston responded with "Yes, but none of them are remote control..."

What a beautiful tree!

Then we walked over to the library to see the fun lights over there! This is Hadley's latest "Smile"

What a great kick-off to the Holidays!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I took a lot of pictures of our Thanksgiving this year, as it marked the beginning of new traditions in my family. Ever since I can remember we have ALWAYS had Thanksgiving at a church for both my Mom's side of the family and my Dad's side of the family (Excluding one year) This year, my Mom's side of the family decided that instead of having a HUGE 100 people thanksgiving, that we would just smaller family thanksgiving. Although it is hard to let traditions go, I really think it was a good decision. It was probably my most favorite Thanksgiving yet...

It started out on Wednesday where I made 3 yummy pies, a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and preped my appetizer!

We arrived at my parents about 11:30! They had an awesomely huge table set up in the living room! My Mom made a super cute centerpiece that said "Be Thankful!"

Cassie made these adorable wood turkey's for each family and the cute Kit Kat turkey's for the kiddos! So Cute!!

Here is all the kids ready for the food...

and what an amazing feast it was!!!! Seriously the most yummiest Thanksgiving dinner EVER!!

Everyone eating and enjoying!

So Good!!

After dinner some of the kids prepared a puppet show for us!! So fun!!

Heather, Spencer, Lissy, Cassie, My Mom, and me all made Candy Wreaths! This is something that my Grandma used to always make for her neighbor gifts!! They are just so fun!

My awesome Mom has been playing this "store" for like a year! She has been saving boxes, and buying fun things to make a grocery store!! The kids had so much fun with it! They also enjoyed playing the Wii that Uncle Matt brought!

We even fit in a little bit of basketball.... in the dark! Then we came back to the house for appetizers!! I wish I would have taken a picture of those!!! I just loved spending the day with my family and eating good food and creating good memories! LOVED IT!

Then we headed off to Jeremy's Parents house to say hello and pick up Megan so she could babysit our kids for Black Friday! Jeremy and I slept in and didn't start our Black Friday until 7:30... I regret that big time. I missed out on 3 things I really wanted... but we still got a lot of great deals and the majority of our shopping done!!

On Friday night the kid got to open their new Christmas P.J.'s and a collection of Classic Christmas movies!! They were SO EXCITED!! Oh how I love Christmas with kids, their excitment is just so contagious!!


What a Happy Thanksgiving and start to the Christmas Season!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First "Snowfall" of the season!!

My kids reaction to the 1 inch of snow;

Boston "This is the BEST day of my life!"

Hadley "I love snow, I love snow all around the town!"

With that kind of a response, I knew we had to go out and play!

Oh how we LOVE snow at this house!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I thought I would share one of my favorite Hobby's. I love words. I love the power of words. I love the little modivation I can feel just by reading a few simple words. I love to create these little prints to put in my house, or make cards with them! Also I use them to add a cheap decoration for a holiday that I don't have many decorations for! They are nothing amazing, nothing fancy, nothing you yourself couldn't do, but I wanted to share...

Monday, November 14, 2011

She's Two and a Half!

I can't believe it, but today Hadley is 2 1/2!!

Things I want to remember about Hadley at this age;

-She gives the biggest hugs that begin with a running start!

-She is a natural leader.

-Can spell her name

-Is always creating things... mostly with her food!

-She has to know "What's next" "What's after that?" "And Then..." She has to know the schedule for the WHOLE day, everyday.

-She has a real love for music. She just ignores T.V., Movies, or Story Time at the library... until there is a song!! Then she is all eyes, and paying attention!

-Loves to draw

-Knows most of her colors, shapes, and can count to 20 (most of the time) But has no desire for letter recognition yet.

-Loves to sing. ABC's, Supercalifragilous, Twinkle Twinkle, Little Purple Pansies, My Grandfathers Clock, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I am a Child of God, and so many more.

-LOVES the Goodnight Gorilla Book

-Has just recently started liking dolls, So cute!!

-Goes SO FAST on her little bike!

-Get's so excited about EVERYTHING

-Her favorite color is pink

-She loves Dora, Elmo, and all the Disney Princess'

-Love to put things together and take them apart... puzzles, connect toys...

-Hate's lunch and dinner. We have to call them "Snacks."

-LOVES her nursery class!

-Is still a Mommy's girl

-Is so full of personality, she doesn't know what to do with it all!

Oh how we love our Hadley girl... we just wish time would slow down a bit. They grow up WAY to fast!

Don't ask me why she decide to sing it in slow motion...

Primary Program

Yesterday was Boston's first offical Primary Program!!! He could say his part so awesome at home, but when he got up in front of everyone he said "My favorite scripture story is about Samuel the laminite..." Then he realized everyone was looking at him, and he freaked out! With some encouragement from the Bishopric and my counsler, he finished his part!

His Program Part...

This is one of his favorite songs we sang!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I am a Mormon!

I love the "I am a Mormon" ads! I could watch them all day! I am posting this one, because I just love it. I especially love how he describes the love that comes when you have a child. PERFFECT description!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Most of this blog is about stuff the kids and I do.... well this post is dedicated to the hard working man who allows me to have all the fun adventures I post here. I finally got some picture off of Jeremy's iphone so I can tell you what he does in his life...

Jeremy enjoys golfing with his work friends

He enjoys eating a good hamburger

He enjoys "dates" with our kids! Many of which have been at Trafalga!

In September he flew to Arizona for a Work Conference. This was the first time he has ever gone anywhere for work. This was the convention center.

This was his hotel

Here are some of the sights he saw;

he was able to find a church to go to on Sunday!

Arizona State University

a big dust storm

His awesome meetings...

Way cool sand sculptures!

U.S. Airways center

Chase Field

I think he enjoyed his trip. Absence makes the heart grow fonder ya know!

When Jeremy isn't crazy busy at work, or helping me with the kids, he is off with the Teachers Quorum... which he loves. This was from a campout up American Fork Canyon. They hiked to Timpanogos Cave.

Apparently Jeremy gets bored on these campouts... drawing all sorts of fun things on the windows. Apparently he did an AWESOME Churck Norris pictures... but a kid erased it befor he could get a picture!

Also in September the Teachers slept in our backyard so they could wake up at like 3 AM to hike to the top of Timpanogos Mountain!

This is the kid he litterally dragged up the mountain... what an amazing leader Jeremy is.

Here are some of his boys...

sometimes Jeremy has a little to much fun on that iphone of his...
Now you know that Jeremy is alive and well, and very busy. Jeremy is amazing. He does such great work whether it be at home, at work, or at church!! I am lucky to have him!