Wednesday, August 4, 2010

While The Cat's Away The Mice Will Play

While Jeremy and I were off on our Anniversary adventure, our kids stayed at my parents! They had a blast while we were gone!
They got to go out to eat and chow down on their favorites... fries, and ice cream.
Boston and Hadley enjoyed painting, and of course lots of playing!
Boston even got to make a "Car" out of a box. He thought that was pretty cool. Hadley wanted to sit in one too so Mason let her ride in his passenger seat. Mason also read books to Boston. What a cousin.
My parents even took them to a concert in the park! Both kids had a lot of fun dancing the night away. I think we missed them more then they missed us!! Who can blame them. Grandparents are always more fun!


Megan Smith said...

Isn't that the truth... the best vacation for the kids is Grandma and Grandpa's house! :)

Megan Smith said...

Oh, and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)