Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Did Something Crafty AGAIN!!

I did something crafty again. It really must be a Christmas miracle. Actually I lost my "To Do" list and have been enjoying the "What I Want To Do" list.

I found these balls on clearance at Gardner Historic Village awhile ago for a dollar each! Regularly 8 dollars a piece. They are really heavy duty wicker balls.
I decided to spray paint them and hang them on my deck!!

I love love love it!! It feels like a party all day every day!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pioneer Day Celebration

Jeremy and I went and spent the weekend with my parents to enjoy the Pioneer Celebrations in their town! Here we are in the heat of the day enjoying the 2 1/2 hour parade. And yes, we did enjoy it.
The kids especially enjoyed it. TONS of candy, Frisbee's, flags, and we even picked up a few free carwash's and a kids meal! Boston loved all the trucks, motorcycles, and the bands! My nephew Mason was so funny to watch marching a long with each band!

Hadley had many seats to watch the parade from. She especially loved the horses. This girl loves animals.
After the parade we went to a great FIREWORK show. Over the weekend we also took Boston to see Toy Story 3! We all LOVED it! Is it bad to say I cried in a Disney movie??
It was a really fun weekend!! A big thanks to my pioneer ancestor's who sacrificed so much so that we future generations can have the gospel, and live in this great country!! Happy Pioneer Day!

Mr. Independent

I think the celebration of Independence day did something to my Boston. All of the sudden he wants to do EVERYTHING by himself. Make his own sandwich's, do his own dishes, dress himself, brush his teeth, go potty, walk across the street without holding hands, ect...

I thought I would embrace the day when Boston wanted to do all these things by himself, but when it takes 20 minutes to make a PB and J... I lose patience. Oh well enjoy the journey right?

Day At The Zoo With The Rogers Family

Boston, Hadley, and I went to the Zoo with some of Jeremy's family. Aunt Cat was so cute to carry Hadley around and show her the animals. Hadley went CRAZY every time she saw one. Pointing and even saying Monkey noises!! It was worth the trip just to see Hadley's face! She LOVED it!!
My favorite was seeing the baby elephant. SO ADORABLE!

The Giraffe's are another favorite.

The kiddo's
Me and the kiddos.
Boston on the snake slide that he was kind of afraid of...
What a fun day at the zoo with the fam. Boston is SO lucky to have so many cousins close to his age on both sides of the family.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life Lesson #283

Learn to shave.

Hadley LOVES to Eat!

I know I've said it before, but this girl loves to eat. (just like her mama)
Most of the words she knows revolve around food. Milk, More, All Done, Chicken, Cookie, and then of course she knows how to say the people's names that give her the food Mama, Daddy, Boston, Grandma, and Grandpa.
Don't worry. She's learn to say bath too!!

I FINALLY did something crafty!

I FINALLY made time to do something crafty. I forget how much I love to create something. It makes me happy. I wish these towels were for my little kiddo's, but they are actually for baby gifts!! Hope they like them because they are sewn with love and not much skill!!

*I never sew without my Mom, but I finally decided to brave the machine by myself.... and I only had to call my Mom once! Maybe I am starting to learn a few things...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wild West Family Reunion

Last week we went to the Armatage's Wild West Family Reunion. (My Mom's side of the family) We went to our traditional Bear Lake Camping Spot, which is where we have been going since I can remember. It is so fun to share with my kids the same fun adventures I enjoyed as a kid. It is amazing to me how much our extended family has grown. I love that we still get together even though there is like a billion of us. Here are some of the things we enjoyed during our stay!

Boston has the cutest shirt that says Happy Camper... He and my dad had the smiles to prove it... at least they did on the first day!!
I think the whole focus of the reunion is to see just how much yummy food we can eat in 3 days! Seriously, you wouldn't find more gourmet camping ANYWHERE!
Of course we went to Bear Lake! Boston has a blast playing with his cousins in the sand and water!
Jeremy had lots of fun making sand creations!
Hadley was an absolute mess! She loved crawling all over the sand, and army crawling through the water!
We finally pulled out our raft we have had for like 4 years, and that was really fun to paddle around in. Boston especially seemed to like that. Then we were really spoiled. My cousins Britt and Jeff brought their boat and let us go for a tub ride. Boston hated it, even though we were only going like 2 miles per hour! So Jeremy and Boston got off and my nephew Logan and I went for a faster ride. Logan LOVED it. He said "This is the funnest thing ever!" I agree! I love tubing!
We went on LOTS of walks!
We even had a mini-rodeo!! Here is cowboy Boston running his horse around the barrels!
They also got a chance to go panning for Gold!!
We also made some super cute picture holders.
Now this is the "Boo-ya No Girls Allowed Club." My awesome cousins Alec and Parker helped the little boys create a fort... or a FORK as they liked to call it. It was so funny how seriously these boys took it!!
We went on a couple mini-hikes that led to oh so beautiful places!!
This is where you could find Boston the whole time. Surrounded by cousins. He was in absolute heaven.
It was a FABULOUS reunion despite the serious lake of sleep thanks to our crazy kiddos!! Oh well, better luck next year right??

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So Much Change in A WEEK!

I have to share my excitement as Hadley has made so much progress in only a week!! One week ago Hadley couldn't crawl on her knees, she couldn't climb the stairs, she couldn't walk along furniture, she couldn't pull herself to kneeling, she couldn't pull herself to standing... but after only one week she can do all of those things!! We are just so excited! She apparently needed a minute to blossom! We still have a little bit of work to do to bring her up to speed, but we are not far, not far at all!! Way to go Hadley Boo!!

Bike Ride

We went on our first family bike ride in 2 years!!! We finally got our bikes all fixed up! It was so much fun! Hopefully this is the first of MANY bike ride this summer.

Happy Birthday America!

On Saturday we celebrated America's Birthday!! I am so glad I live in this free country. What a blessing it is to live here. We all (except my brother's family whom we missed!) got together at my parents for some delicious, festive snacks and then headed over to the rec center for some swimming!!
We had such a blast! All the kids just love water!! I took all 3 boys down the big yellow slide! It was the first time I've been able to get Boston to do it! He LOVED it!

Just as we were all getting tired and ready to go, Mason did a twisty jump into the water, and hit his chin on the side of the pool wall... it ended the fun rather quickly. Poor little guy had to go spend 2 hours in the insta-care to get stitches, well actually they just glued it shut which Mason was SO glad he didn't have to be poked by a needle!

Here's Mason showing off his glue/bandaid.
Once Matt and Mason got back to my parents we continued the party with a delicious BBQ, and then headed up to the Fireworks!
Matt, Mason, and Logan
My Dad and Mom
While we waited and waited and waited for the fireworks, the boys played lots of baseball (until Jeremy broke the bat!)

Played lots and lots of Frisbee
Did lots of hanging out
Watched an unbelievable fly over...

Played with "Pops!"
Enjoyed the sunset

Add Image Got settled in our chairs for the AMAZING show!! The best part about it all was that BOTH kids loved the fireworks! It was the 1st time in 3 years that Boston hasn't screamed and shakin' uncontrollably. He loved it, and was given the fireworks names like "American one." "Boom, Boom" "Star one" Hadley just kept pointing and getting so excited!! It was a super super fun 4th... well really 3rd of July!!
I also wanted to include this video so you can see where Boston get's his dance moves... it isn't for me!!!

Tis the Season

Tis the season for lots and lots of showers!! Baby showers, wedding showers, weddings.... I've been to a bunch but usually I forget my camera!! Here are a couple I was able to snag!

Tricia's baby shower!!! Hadley, Me, Tricia, and Emily!!
Amanda's Wedding! I didn't even get a picture of the bride... but here is my and my adorable friend Kristen!! We played percussion together for 3 years!! I just love her to pieces and I was SO EXCITED to see her!!

In total Kristen fashion, she taught Boston that even though we are at the Grand America Hotel, the beautiful fountains are to play in, not to look at!!