Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Theatre

Jeremy and I really love the Theatre.

On Tuesday was saw some of the kids in our ward perform in the 6th grader's play Peter Pan.

On Thursday we saw our local High School perform The Phantom of the Opera! I was really skeptical that a High School could really pull this one off. (I saw it at the Capital Theatre years ago) But to my great surprise they did a FANTASTIC job!! We both LOVED IT!!!

On Friday we actually went to the Movie's. We don't do that very often!! We went to our local movie theater called Water Garden Cinema. It was our first time, and we will for sure be going back. First of all it is only $3.00 a tickets. They get the movies just after regular theaters do, and way before dollar theaters. Also the popcorn, drink, and candy is only $1.00! YIPEE! It is standium seating, and NO STICKY ICKY floors!! The thing I love most though is that this theater doesn't show rated R movies, and is picky about witch PG-13 movies it plays. Now that is a theater I want to support.
Enough about the theater, Narnia was SO GOOD!! If you haven't seen the new one, go see it! I absolutly loved it.

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