Well School might have started but summer isn't over yet!!
Tuesday afternoon we headed out to Thanksgiving Point to enjoy there 2 dollar Tuesdays. The only time I can afford to go there!
The kids had a royal blast at the Dinosaur Museum
It wasn't to crowded and we were able to really enjoy it! (Note to self: Cambridge is now a BIG kid. Don't bring the stroller or you will be pushing nothing around in it...)
Then we headed over to the new museum to see how long the line was.... surprisingly there was no line. So we decided to forget dinner and PARTY some more! (My poor kids, they have a crazy mother!) Although there was no line to get in... it was a ZOO inside. WAY TO MANY PEOPLE!
I was still excited to see what was inside and outside, and get a taste of it. The kids had a blast despite the crowds. My FAVORITE thing was the percussion room. SO COOL!! Finally I let my kids go home and eat and sleep.
On Wednesday my dear friend Amy came into town! She invited us to her hotel for some lunch and swimming! It was SO GOOD to catch up with her and finally meet her little guy Boji! I have missed our Cold Stone dates so much!
Thursday- We had a BBQ with Jeremy's friend from Kindergarten! We love getting together with him and his family! The kids played great together and we of course enjoyed talk talk talking! (No pictures. What was I thinking...)
Friday us and my friends kids I was watching met up with my Mom, Logan, and Mason for some fun at Trafalga! Rock Climbing
Water Boats
and poor Cambridge to little to do almost anything, but big enough to want to!
Friday night was Jeremy's 1st ever work party that families were invited too! It was up a canyon in Spanish Fork and it was beautiful and so fun, but sprinkled rain the entire time! I didn't take any pictures, but luckily Jeremy's co-worker did! The kids had a blats and a half on the rope swing... Jeremy and I of course had to take a turn too!
Saturday night we went to our 3rd BBQ in 3 days at the Henriksen's House! The food was delicious and the kids had a blast in their amazing backyard... especially on the zipline! (Seriously I don't know what happened this week but I just kept forgetting the pictures at the BBQ's! I think I was just relaxing and enjoying myself to much! Jeremy snapped this one of our Cambridge with his roasting stick. He is obsessed with campfires! He LOVES them like his Grandma and Mommy!)
Sunday was our Extended FHE at my parents house! Always delicious food and an uplifting message! The kids put on a little show for us... FROZEN in case you can't tell! It was so funny! I love how these cousins love to play together!
We also celebrated mine and my Mom's August birthdays!
What a week. Started school and fit all of that in.... yup. We were all really tired!!!