Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter Thought

I know I've shared this before. But I love Elder Hollands message on Easter. THIS would make a great part of an Easter Family Home Evening tonight.

This is my favorite quote from his message. "As we approach this holy week—Passover Thursday with its Paschal Lamb, atoning Friday with its cross, Resurrection Sunday with its empty tomb—may we declare ourselves to be more fully disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, not in word only and not only in the flush of comfortable times but in deed and in courage and in faith, including when the path is lonely and when our cross is difficult to bear. This Easter week and always, may we stand by Jesus Christ “at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in, even until death...”

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Outfits!

I hurried and snapped a few shots of the kiddo's in their Easter outfits before running off to church! Enjoy!

Saturday Night March Madness

Saturday night we finally got to go play on our park's new basketball hoop! We all had a lot of fun! I love our park, the views are BEAUTIFUL!!

I think out of the 4 our us, Jeremy had the most fun. What do you think?

Here's our Hadley Boo. I think she gets cuter everyday!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Logan and Mason's First Sleepover

On Wednesday night my nephews Logan and Mason had their first sleepover at my house. Boston thought it was super cool to have them sleep at our house!

On Thursday I took them down to where Jeremy and I used to live, and our kind landlords let us play in their backyard. We jumped on the tramp,

and rode the zipline! All 3 boys LOVED it! Here is Logan sailing through the air.
Mason was super daring, and all smiles
I think the peer presure was good for Boston. He has never dared go on the zipline, but with Logan and Mason there he was on it, and loving it!
Hadley had a good time watching all the crazy boys!
Note to self: Take a group shot at the beginning, not at the end when everyone is super tired!
I even braved taking all 4 to Walmart to get some milk... and of course play on the toys.
It was super fun to have them over for a sleepover. What nieces and nephews are next??

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jeremy's Birthday Weekend!

We had a fantastic weekend full of birthday fun for Jeremy. It started a little early with Jeremy receiving his wheelbarrow and shovel. Such a practical guy!

Then on Saturday we invited all of Jeremy's family over for a BBQ!! Lucky for us, a few ventured out to celebrate! The food was SO GOOD, and it was so good to get together for the first time since Christmas!
I just love this picture of Hadley with her Grandma Rogers. So cute!

The kids had a BLAST! Total typical Jeremy making the kids happy. They played Baseball, football, basketball, and had the time of their lives!

On Sunday, (his actual birthday) I went to a meeting, he went to a meeting, then I went to another meeting! Finally we had time to open a few gifts and head off to church. After church we headed up to my parents house to have Jeremy's birthday dinner, dessert, and open a few more gifts. All in all I think he had a fantastic birthday!!
I am so grateful to have Jeremy as my husband! I couldn't ask for anyone more perfect for me!

Monday, March 15, 2010

God Is In Charge

If you spend your time reading anything today, read this article. It is an amazing story about how the LDS missionaries were prepared for the earthquake in Chile all because a mission presidents wife listened to the promptings of the spirit. Such a strong testimony to me that God is in charge.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Hair Stylist Amy

Dear Hairstylist Amy,
My Mom has NO IDEA what to do with my crazy hair.

As you can see, its very long, but only on the top of my head and around my ears. My Mommy knows I need a hair cut but has no idea what to do??

Should we keep the mop on top so we can do a crazy ponytail like this one?

But what happens when I rip it out and it looks like this. I don't think this hairstyle looks very flattering on me.
Let me know what you think I should tell my mommy to do about my hair.
Thanks Amy.
Hadley Boo

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random Updates

Confession: This blog is my only form of journal/scrapbook right now. Sad. I know.
So sometimes I post journal like posts, like this one. Sorry.

-Still loves his job, despite it being SUPER BUSY. His boss had her baby, so he is taking on her responsibilities.
-Is still working hard to finish our kitchen! He grouted our backsplash, and we began painting!! Here are some sneak peaks of the kitchen!

The backsplash all finish! It's more impressive in person. So come visit us and see! The color red. I've always wanted a red kitchen. So far, I am loving it.
-Wow. Primary keeps me super busy! We just had a FANTASTIC activity a few weeks ago! We did our own Winter Olympic Games. I think it was a huge success.
Here's Boston joining in on the fun!!

Another fun thing I've done is do a craft day with my Mom and cousin Tennille. It was a blast. I really really love the door hanger I made!!
-Got asked if I was pregnant at church... Ouch. Apparently my hobby of baking isn't doing me any good.
-Before his horrible cold hit, he has been obsessed with writing letters. He loves to have me help him write everybody's names. He is really good at writing a B and an O!
-Cracks me up everyday with his back seat driving. "Go Faster." "Your going to fast." "Wait until all the cars pass, then you can go." "Thanks for driving careful Mom." "The light is red, you need to stop." "Go Go Go, the light is green!" Seriously. I think the kid could probably pass the drivers training test. Although me teaching him that yellow means go faster probably wouldn't slide.
-Corrected me on my grammer the other day. "Mom, its blanket, not blankets"
-Memorized the scout law. He did it in front of all of Jeremy's scouts the other night, it was so funny. He knows it better then most of them. This isn't the best video of him doing it, but you get the idea.

Hadley Boo
-Is seriously the happiest baby ever. Even though she has a mild case of RSV, and a double ear infection, she is still our smily little girl. It is so sad to see her SO sick though.
-Before she got sick, I was putting her through crawling boot camp. Now I've eased up on her. Boot camp consists of snacks in a line across the floor, and trying to help her learn to crawl. So far she is pretty good at going backwards.
-She is quite the chatter box, loves to stick her tongue out, points at what she wants, can eat about 20 gerber snacks in 30 seconds or less and then signs more, dances to music, can throw a ball, and loves to be tickled.

Monday, March 8, 2010

General Conference

Only 26 more days until General Conference! I thought I would post some links to some items you might want to use in your family home evenings leading up to conference, and some great ideas to use in Primary or in your family.'s Conference Packet

Apostle Cards (My favorite!)

General Conference Packets

A link to more links...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Sweetest Thing

This little guy has got to be the sweetest thing. When Jeremy comes home from work Boston runs and gives him a hug, then asks "Jeremy, how was your day at work today?" So Jeremy will proceed to tell him about it... and Boston will listen and nod his head, and act totally interested and concerned.
Seriously the cutest thing. It melts my heart.

Highlight of my Day

The highlight of my day came when Jeremy noticed the bright orange note taped on the DVD we check out at the library. It says "Be considerate. Please rewind."

Wait. Since when did we rewind DVD's? HILARIOUS!